/* code by fdavies
This example code is in the public domain.
The goal is to have a complete 3D printer driver (gcode => motion)
that uses optical encoders and brushed DC motors.
// definition of how the pins are set up
const int xQ1Pin = 7; // pin for x axis quadrature encoder J1 pin 4
const int xQ2Pin = 8; // pin for x axis quadrature encoder J1 pin 3
//(GPIOD_PDIR & 0x000C) >> 2 expression for reading the pins directly
const int xHPin = 9; // pin for x axis home signal // not implemented yet J1 pin 2
const int xM1Pin = 3; // pin for x axis motor control M1 goes to IN1 pin of seeedstudio motor shield v2.0 J1 pin 6
const int xM2Pin = 4; // pin for x axis motor control M2 goes to IN2 pin of seeedstudio motor shield v2.0 J1 pin 9
const int yQ1Pin = 10; // pin for y axis quadrature encoder J2 pin 4
const int yQ2Pin = 11; // pin for y axis quadrature encoder J2 pin 3
//((GPIOC_PDIR & 0x0010) >> 4) | ((GPIOC_PDIR & 0x0040) >> 5) expression for reading the pins directly
const int yHPin = 12; // pin for y axis home signal J2 pin 2
const int yM1Pin = 5; // pin for y axis motor control M1 goes to IN3 pin of seeedstudio motor shield v2.0 J2 pin 6
const int yM2Pin = 6; // pin for y axis motor control M2 goes to IN4 pin of seeedstudio motor shield v2.0 J2 pin 9
const int zQ1Pin = 14; // pin for z axis quadrature channel 1 J3 pin 4
const int zQ2Pin = 15; // pin for z axis quadrature channel 2 J3 pin 3
//((GPIOD_PDIR & 0x0002) >> 1) | ((GPIOC_PDIR & 0x0001) << 1) expression for reading the pins directly
const int zHPin = 24; // pin for z axis home signal, may change
const int zM1Pin = 20; // pin for z axis motor control M1 will go to another seeedstudio motor shield when I get it hitched up
const int zM2Pin = 21; // pin for z axis motor control M2
const int eQ1Pin = 16; // pin for e axis quadrature channel 1 J4 pin 4
const int eQ2Pin = 17; // pin for e axis quadrature channel 2 J4 pin 4
//((GPIOB_PDIR & 0x0003) >> 0) expression for reading the pins directly
const int eHPin = 25; // pin for e axis home signal may change 25 B 19
const int eM1Pin = 22; // pin for e axis motor control M1
const int eM2Pin = 23; // pin for e axis motor control M2
const int motorEnable = 2; // pin to enable the motor drivers (all) goes to EA and EB of seeedstudio motor shield v2.0
const int outMin = 0; // minimum output level (PWM)
const int outMid = 128; // middle output level (PWM)
const int outMax = 256; // maximum output level (PWM)
// Teensy 3.0 has the LED on pin 13
const int ledPin = 13;
int p=0;
// this is the decode table for the optical encoder
signed long enc_TAB[]={0,1,-1,0,-1,0,0,1,1,0,0,-1,0,-1,1,0};
// the setup() method runs once, when the sketch starts
// Create an IntervalTimer object
IntervalTimer encoder;
volatile unsigned long encoderState = 0; // use volatile for shared variables
volatile signed long xEncoder = 0; // This is the position based on counting encoder pulses
volatile signed long yEncoder = 0; // This is the position based on counting encoder pulses
volatile signed long zEncoder = 0; // This is the position based on counting encoder pulses
volatile signed long eEncoder = 0; // This is the position based on counting encoder pulses
volatile signed long xSetPoint = 0; // this is where the PID loop will try to move the axis
volatile signed long ySetPoint = 0;
volatile signed long zSetPoint = 0;
volatile signed long eSetPoint = 0;
unsigned int count1 = 0; // so that the encoder counting is faster than the PID updating
unsigned int channelCount = 0; //
signed long xki=0; // PID integration constant
signed long xkp=1024; // PID proportional constant
signed long xkd=1024; // PID derivative constant
signed long xITerm=0;
signed long xLastInput=0;
signed long yki=0; // PID integration constant
signed long ykp=1024; // PID proportional constant
signed long ykd=1024; // PID derivative constant
signed long yITerm=0;
signed long yLastInput=0;
signed long zki=0; // PID integration constant
signed long zkp=0; // PID proportional constant
signed long zkd=0; // PID derivative constant
signed long zITerm=0;
signed long zLastInput=0;
signed long eki=0; // PID integration constant
signed long ekp=0; // PID proportional constant
signed long ekd=0; // PID derivative constant
signed long eITerm=0;
signed long eLastInput=0;
//unsigned long lastTime;
void setup() {
// initialize pins for the motor control channels
int k=0;
Serial.println(" step 1");
pinMode(xQ1Pin, INPUT);
pinMode(xQ2Pin, INPUT);
pinMode(xHPin, INPUT);
analogWriteFrequency(xM1Pin, 20000); // change PWM frequency out of audible range
pinMode(xM1Pin, OUTPUT); // default frequency and resolution for now
pinMode(xM2Pin, OUTPUT); // default frequency and resolution for now
pinMode(yQ1Pin, INPUT);
pinMode(yQ2Pin, INPUT);
pinMode(yHPin, INPUT);
analogWriteFrequency(yM1Pin, 20000); // change PWM frequency
pinMode(yM1Pin, OUTPUT); // default frequency and resolution for now
pinMode(yM2Pin, OUTPUT); // default frequency and resolution for now
pinMode(zQ1Pin, INPUT);
pinMode(zQ2Pin, INPUT);
pinMode(zHPin, INPUT);
pinMode(zM1Pin, OUTPUT); // default frequency and resolution for now
pinMode(zM2Pin, OUTPUT); // default frequency and resolution for now
pinMode(eQ1Pin, INPUT);
pinMode(eQ2Pin, INPUT);
pinMode(eHPin, INPUT);
pinMode(eM1Pin, OUTPUT); // default frequency and resolution for now 488.28 Hz
pinMode(eM2Pin, OUTPUT); // default frequency and resolution for now
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(motorEnable,HIGH); // enable the motor drivers
/* move all the motors weakly negative for 2 seconds to home them. Do this better later */
Serial.println(" step 3");
encoder.begin(encoderUpdate, 20); // blinkLED to run every 0.02 millisecond 50 KHz
// functions called by IntervalTimer should be short, run as quickly as
// possible, and should avoid calling other functions if possible.
void encoderUpdate(void) {
unsigned long nowState = 0 ;
unsigned long encIndex =0;
signed long error=0; // for PID loops
signed long dInput=0; // for PID loops
signed long Output=0; // for PID loops
digitalWriteFast(ledPin,1); // for measuring interrupt duration with an oscilloscope
/* nowState = (digitalRead(xQ2Pin)<<1) | digitalRead(xQ1Pin) | (digitalRead(yQ2Pin)<<5) | (digitalRead(yQ1Pin)<<4) | \
(digitalRead(zQ2Pin)<<9) | (digitalRead(zQ1Pin)<<8) | (digitalRead(eQ2Pin)<<13) | (digitalRead(eQ1Pin)<<12); // 2.5 microseconds */
nowState = (digitalReadFast(xQ2Pin)<<1) | digitalReadFast(xQ1Pin) | (digitalReadFast(yQ2Pin)<<5) | (digitalReadFast(yQ1Pin)<<4) | \
(digitalReadFast(zQ2Pin)<<9) | (digitalReadFast(zQ1Pin)<<8) | (digitalReadFast(eQ2Pin)<<13) | (digitalReadFast(eQ1Pin)<<12);
/*nowState = (GPIOD_PDIR & 0x000C) >> 2 | \
((((GPIOC_PDIR & 0x0010) >> 4) | ((GPIOC_PDIR & 0x0040) >> 5) ) << 4) | \
((((GPIOD_PDIR & 0x0002) >> 1) | ((GPIOC_PDIR & 0x0001) << 1)) <<8 ) | \
(( (GPIOB_PDIR & 0x0003) >> 0) <<12) ; */
encIndex=nowState | (encoderState << 2);
xEncoder = xEncoder + enc_TAB[ (encIndex >> 0) & 0x0f]; // these 4 lines take about 0.7 microseconds, maybe can be optimized
yEncoder = yEncoder + enc_TAB[ (encIndex >> 4) & 0x0f];
zEncoder = zEncoder + enc_TAB[ (encIndex >> 8) & 0x0f];
eEncoder = eEncoder + enc_TAB[ (encIndex >> 12) & 0x0f];
encoderState = nowState;
if (count1 >= 50) { // aiming for 1 khz update rate
count1 = 0; // restart the count
if (channelCount >= 4) {
channelCount = 0;
switch (channelCount) { // actually each channel has its PID updated at 250Hz, which seems faste enough so far.
case 0: // x channel
** PID stuff closely based on
** // brettbeauregard.com/blog/2011/04/improving-the-beginners-pid-introduction/
digitalWriteFast(ledPin,1); // as it stands, this takes about 3 microseconds
/*Compute all the working error variables*/
error = xSetPoint - xEncoder;
xITerm+= (xki * error*1024); // scaling for fixed point
if(xITerm > outMax*1024) xITerm= outMax*1024;
else if(xITerm < outMin*1024) xITerm= outMin*1024;
Output = (xkp * error + xITerm- xkd * dInput)/1024;
if(Output > outMax) Output = outMax;
else if(Output < outMin) Output = outMin;
xLastInput = xEncoder;
case 1: // y channel
error = ySetPoint - yEncoder;
yITerm+= (yki * error*1024); // scaling for fixed point
if(yITerm > outMax*1024) yITerm= outMax*1024;
else if(yITerm < outMin*1024) yITerm= outMin*1024;
Output = (ykp * error + yITerm- ykd * dInput)/1024;
if(Output > outMax) Output = outMax;
else if(Output < outMin) Output = outMin;
yLastInput = yEncoder;
case 2: // z channel
case 3: // e channel
//Calculate the distance between the setpoint and encoder values
// this is my first start at getting a way to tune the two channels so they work together
// xSetPoint-xEncoder)*(xSetPoint-xEncoder) + (ySetPoint-yEncoder)*(ySetPoint-yEncoder)
digitalWriteFast(ledPin,0); // for measuring interrupt duration with an oscilloscope
// the loop() methor runs over and over again,
// as long as the board has power
void loop() {
int i;
signed long copy_xEncoder= 0;
signed long copy_yEncoder= 0;
signed long copy_zEncoder= 0;
signed long copy_eEncoder= 0;
cli(); // disable interrupt
copy_xEncoder = xEncoder;
copy_yEncoder = yEncoder;
copy_zEncoder = zEncoder;
copy_eEncoder = eEncoder;
sei(); // reenable the interrupt
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.println(" ");
xSetPoint = 1000; // this is how the PID control loop is told to move the axis.
ySetPoint = 3000;
delay(100); //
for (i=0;i<2000;i++) { // test profile
xSetPoint = 3000 - i;
ySetPoint = 1000 + i;
delay(100); //
xSetPoint = 1000;
ySetPoint = 3000;
// see.stanford.edu/materials/aiircs223a/handout6_Trajectory.pdf
// developer.mbed.org/cookbook/PID
// brettbeauregard.com/blog/2011/04/improving-the-beginners-pid-introduction/
// www.embeddedrelated.com/showarticle/121.php