Help wanted with a MUX, I have an issue with a 72 channel MUX, it seems to have a problem on the range 0-127 at between 62-66 there is a pronounced jump, whereas 0-62 is fine and 66-127 is fine, but exactly at this half way point I get this jump which is annoying as it is where sliders need to be for center 0 controls etc. The MUX is constructed from 5* 4067 mux chips, each with its own analogue input, it happens if I read at 8, 10 or 12 bits resolution. This dead spot is exactly half way I guess with 63, 64 being mid point. I've built many MUX's before, even a 128 way which this is designed around and that is fine. I'm using a Teensy 4.1 and ADC to read the inputs. Here is a link to the repository, the schematic is the same as the one posted but with 3 less MUX chips