I want to connect to a giro/mag MEMS device form Teensy 4.0 but it does not seem to work.
I have two examples of Chinese allegedly GY6500/9250 9 axis mems boards.
My Teensy code does not seem to find them so I ran the standard i2c_scanner sketch from an Arduino Uno and it was fine. One device replies to 0x68 the other on 0x69. Both work when fed from either 5V or 3.3V rails.
Now I edited the scanner code to use the Teensy 4.0 pin-out, first on primary i2c (18,19) then on secondary (17,16). Both versions reported not finding anything on i2c.
I get the feeling I'm just being dumb and over looking the obvious.
Can you put me straight?
I want to connect to a giro/mag MEMS device form Teensy 4.0 but it does not seem to work.
I have two examples of Chinese allegedly GY6500/9250 9 axis mems boards.
My Teensy code does not seem to find them so I ran the standard i2c_scanner sketch from an Arduino Uno and it was fine. One device replies to 0x68 the other on 0x69. Both work when fed from either 5V or 3.3V rails.
Now I edited the scanner code to use the Teensy 4.0 pin-out, first on primary i2c (18,19) then on secondary (17,16). Both versions reported not finding anything on i2c.
I get the feeling I'm just being dumb and over looking the obvious.
Can you put me straight?
#include <Wire.h>
void setup() {
// teensy 4.0 pinout
// Wire.setSDA(17); //18: sda0, 17: sda1
// Wire.setSCL(16); //19: scl0, 16: scl1
Wire.setSDA(18); //18: sda0, 17: sda1
Wire.setSCL(19); //19: scl0, 16: scl1
Wire.begin(); //
while (!Serial); // Leonardo: wait for serial monitor
Serial.println("\nI2C Scanner (Teensy 4.0)");