Pretty sure Arduino isn't going to go back to offline usage, so option #2 probably isn't viable.
Option #3 might work. To give it a try, find your hidden AppData folder and look for Arduino15/packages/teensy. Perhaps if you just copy that entire teensy folder to the AppData Arduino15/packages folder on the other (offline) computer, maybe it could work? Or maybe not. I really don't know for sure, but if you're going to try, that's what I'd do first.
Since this is Windows, before you copy anything from the online computer, I'd do a reboot just in case anything is lingering in memory from previous usage. Windows tends to block access to certain types of files in those circumstances. Best to reboot and then copy the files before you run any programs, so you get the best chance of actually getting a full copy of everything.
If you give this a try, please let everyone know if it worked. I'm sure other people will have this same question in the future. Would be nice for them if you could share a conclusive answer about whether it really works or not.