Hi All,
I am new to Teensy world. I am working on a project where I have to interface Teensy 4.1 with a fast (40 msps) pipelined ADC, something like AD9226. We have to generate a clock at the rate we want to sample and the device will output the value (there is a pipeline delay, which can be handled in s/w) The sampling will be in bursts with enough time gap in between the bursts to process the data and write frame buffer for displaying.
From my understanding of the imxrt1602 device, there are no parallel ports that can be directly used. I could be wrong.
I will be reading total 16 bits of data (eight bits in each channel, both clocked together)
I was wondering if it would be possible to use the FlexIO to generate a reasonably symmetric 40 mhz clock and read the adc device output?
The other device I am considering is rp2350 (raspberry pico) but if I run into processing power issues, Teensy with its significantly higher speed and more memory would be very good to have. Also the graphics capability of Teensy.
Any help greatly appreciated,
I am new to Teensy world. I am working on a project where I have to interface Teensy 4.1 with a fast (40 msps) pipelined ADC, something like AD9226. We have to generate a clock at the rate we want to sample and the device will output the value (there is a pipeline delay, which can be handled in s/w) The sampling will be in bursts with enough time gap in between the bursts to process the data and write frame buffer for displaying.
From my understanding of the imxrt1602 device, there are no parallel ports that can be directly used. I could be wrong.
I will be reading total 16 bits of data (eight bits in each channel, both clocked together)
I was wondering if it would be possible to use the FlexIO to generate a reasonably symmetric 40 mhz clock and read the adc device output?
The other device I am considering is rp2350 (raspberry pico) but if I run into processing power issues, Teensy with its significantly higher speed and more memory would be very good to have. Also the graphics capability of Teensy.
Any help greatly appreciated,