I'm building a project to control 8 LED strips using the OctoWS2811 library on a Teensy 4.1. I was planning on using two hex non-inverting schmitt-trigger ICs I thought I had around for level-shifting the output, but unfortunately what I had instead was otherwise pin-compatible inverting schmitt-triggers. I didn't notice that mistake until after having assembled a prototype with the wrong IC.
Is there perhaps a way of easily inverting the output signal in software before it gets re-inverted again by the schmitt-triggers as to not require a bunch of rework of the hardware I have already built? I've tried to have a look at OctoWS2811_imxrt.cpp, which is where I think I'd need to make the changes I want, but I haven't quite been able to follow what's going on in all the low-level code to find the right place to make that modification.
Is there perhaps a way of easily inverting the output signal in software before it gets re-inverted again by the schmitt-triggers as to not require a bunch of rework of the hardware I have already built? I've tried to have a look at OctoWS2811_imxrt.cpp, which is where I think I'd need to make the changes I want, but I haven't quite been able to follow what's going on in all the low-level code to find the right place to make that modification.