This project is for a Teensy4.1, code dev environment is PlatformIO in VScode.
Iam using the USB mass storage library to read and write to a USB memery stick, primarily to save data acquired from a DAQ capture.
It works fine for code architecture just with a single loop, but if I instatiate the USB objects in the main scope then make calls to these within a thread all bets are off.
Doing the same with the SD library seems to be fine.
Is this an expected behaviour?
I can go back to these calls being made from within the loop() if need be, just nice and convenient if I can use the TeensyThreads approach.
Iam using the USB mass storage library to read and write to a USB memery stick, primarily to save data acquired from a DAQ capture.
It works fine for code architecture just with a single loop, but if I instatiate the USB objects in the main scope then make calls to these within a thread all bets are off.
Doing the same with the SD library seems to be fine.
Is this an expected behaviour?
I can go back to these calls being made from within the loop() if need be, just nice and convenient if I can use the TeensyThreads approach.