I'm working on a project in which I need a USB mouse to register as a two axis joystick. I asked around another forum, and someone said it could be done using a Teensy USB development board. Is this feasible? I'm trying to control a robot in a holonomic fashion resembling a first person shooter game in order to make it easier for people (my high-school robotics team) to drive. For some reason HID devices like USB mice and Keyboards aren't compatible with our system (National Instruments 4 slot cRIO-II / 8 slot cRIO-I), but Teensy boards are. We've already begun constructing a 28 key half-keyboard to use for directional control, and are just stuck on this. I know we could just use a real joystick or joystick module or even an emulator, but that's a last resort. Let me know what you think! Thanks!
I'm working on a project in which I need a USB mouse to register as a two axis joystick. I asked around another forum, and someone said it could be done using a Teensy USB development board. Is this feasible? I'm trying to control a robot in a holonomic fashion resembling a first person shooter game in order to make it easier for people (my high-school robotics team) to drive. For some reason HID devices like USB mice and Keyboards aren't compatible with our system (National Instruments 4 slot cRIO-II / 8 slot cRIO-I), but Teensy boards are. We've already begun constructing a 28 key half-keyboard to use for directional control, and are just stuck on this. I know we could just use a real joystick or joystick module or even an emulator, but that's a last resort. Let me know what you think! Thanks!