I've built a few of the ethernet boards from oshpark for teensy 3.6. I seem to recall reading that the pins need to be offset to connect to the teensy, but I cannot seem to now find that reference.
so, can someone point me to a picture of both boards together?
Yes looks good. The Ether board edges should line up with the T3.6 Board edges and the RJ45 socket be above the USB socket.
However you are missing a few pins at the SD end that are needed for the Ether board. Specifically pin 28,27 and 3v3/GND.
You may also want to bring up the Prog pin as the Push button is now quite inaccessible.
Notes on additional Hardware:
PJRC Beta ethernet shield fits with the PCB
Ethernet shield testing on K66 sticky post
Yes, you need 28,27, but i think 3v3/grnd is connected (between 12/24 and dac1/13)
I would not rely entirely on the pin between 12/24 as your only source of 3v3 as that is only connecting the other 3v3 pin via the through hole plating and a very small trace. There are a few other parts of the board that are feeding off the middle 3v, specifically the main transceiver IC. The below PCB routing shows this.
View attachment 8749
I would not rely entirely on the pin between 12/24 as your only source of 3v3 as that is only connecting the other 3v3 pin via the through hole plating and a very small trace. There are a few other parts of the board that are feeding off the middle 3v, specifically the main transceiver IC. The below PCB routing shows this.
View attachment 8749
Has anyone done power consumption measurements on the combo teensy 3.6 and ethernet? I'd like to see if I can move to a regulator smaller than that giant TO-220.