I'm looking at setting up a LittleFS filesystem on the current project, and the local LittleFS package seems like the obvious way to go.
However, I'm using an Adafruit breakout with the 4Mb Fujitsu FRAM chip on it, which isn't currently supported by LittleFS. It's a one line change (yeah, really ) to add an entry for this chip, mostly copying the entry for its smaller 2Mb brother that is supported, and making the necessary adjustments.
Any interest in a PR with this change?
In addition, there's one thing I can't determine from the documentation. For now, with the FRAM breakout attached, working and formatted as LittleFS, this is a bit of a non-issue for this project. But for the future, once I've done the myfs.begin(CS) call to initialize the filesystem, how can I determine safely if it's formatted or not? That way, I can call quickformat() if it isn't or leave it alone if it is.
However, I'm using an Adafruit breakout with the 4Mb Fujitsu FRAM chip on it, which isn't currently supported by LittleFS. It's a one line change (yeah, really ) to add an entry for this chip, mostly copying the entry for its smaller 2Mb brother that is supported, and making the necessary adjustments.
Any interest in a PR with this change?
In addition, there's one thing I can't determine from the documentation. For now, with the FRAM breakout attached, working and formatted as LittleFS, this is a bit of a non-issue for this project. But for the future, once I've done the myfs.begin(CS) call to initialize the filesystem, how can I determine safely if it's formatted or not? That way, I can call quickformat() if it isn't or leave it alone if it is.