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I'm working on a shared project with several other people. They are using the "Fast with LTO" option for compiles. My Arduino IDE doesn't show that option - it does not show ANYTHING with LTO. How to get it? They don't remember how *they* got it. Without LTO, my compiles are quite different from theirs.
Web search intimates that it's enabled by editing "platform.txt" for the specific board.

Anybody have a clue?

- Jerryk
First make sure Teensy is selected in Tools > Board, or the IDE 2.x.x drop-down list of detected devices. Arduino IDE menus update based on the selected board. If a non-Teensy board is selected you won't see Teensy stuff in the menus. Then look in Tools > Optimize.

If no LTO options appear, check that you have the latest Teensyduino. Today 1.59 is the latest stable release, and 1.60 have betas (which we call "0.60.x" in IDE 2.x.x so it won't nag you to install them). In IDE 2.x.x, click Boards Manager and search "Teensy". In IDE 1.8.x, click Help > About. Some older versions didn't have the LTO options because we had known startup issues when using LTO on those versions. If you have an older version, update to 1.59.
Arduino IDE is current - 2.3.4.
Tools->Board = "Teensy 4.1".
Boards Manager->Teensy = "1.59.0 installed".

Whups, I clicked "Reload Board Data" and now the LTO options are there!