Making keyboard+keymedia show up on the same interface


New member
How do you mak
e keyboard and keymedia show up on the same interface? I've tried changing the interface numbers which result in it not being recognized (in usb_desc.h), I've tried combining the structs together and removing reference to keymedia because I explicitly referenced it inside of the struct (usb_desc.c). Still not working. I don't know much about the proper way to have multiple devices under one interface and couldn't find much about it. I want it to be something like the image with 2 interfaces.
Combining them into 1 interface only works with MacOS and Linux. Sadly, Windows just does not allow them to be on the same interface. It's an intentional choice by Microsoft, documented somewhere on their old MSDN site.

We had them as a single interface in the very early days of Teensy. I don't recall if that single interface code ever existed for Teensy 3.0, as it was so early.
If it only works on linux and macos how do normal mice & keyboards have their devices on the same interface when viewed on windows? Unless what I’m talking about isn’t actually them being set as the same interface. As posted in the pictures above is what I mean by being the same interface.

As for them being one interface in the early versions of teensy do you mean before windows started to not allow devices on the same interface? Or just the actual configuration of it in the code not being on the new versions?

One last thing, is there a reason why teensy shows up with 2 mice?
I was going about it the wrong way by trying to have the on the same interface while still being separate entries. Reformatting the descriptors by adding a new collection worked to add another entry under the same interface.