MIDI and Sleep/Wake

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A couple of questions regarding MIDI and sleep and wake up in Windows.

1) After waking up Windows from sleep, my teensy USB-MIDI does not respond until I reset the DAW settings. My Roland USB-MIDI keyboard doesnt have this behaviour and works right away after waking up. Any way of making the teensy work like the Roland?

2) Is there a way to wake up Windows with a teensy in USB-MIDI mode (like a mouse would)?

After waking up Windows from sleep, my teensy USB-MIDI does not respond until I reset the DAW settings. My Roland USB-MIDI keyboard doesnt have this behaviour and works right away after waking up. Any way of making the teensy work like the Roland?


I am having the same issue with sleep disconnecting the USB-MIDI and also have a device (Arduino Leonardo) that does not have this issue. id you ever find a fix?
Thanks. what version of the teensy were you using? i am wondering if it version specific or a problem with the built in midi library or something else. i am using a 4.1
Thanks. what version of the teensy were you using? i am wondering if it version specific or a problem with the built in midi library or something else. i am using a 4.1

I have like 10 active projects at any given type so it gets really difficult remembering these things. However I seem to remember it was actually a 'ProMicro' Arduino Clone using the teensy libraries. Pretty sure I didn't have an actual teensy a year ago.
ok thanks. that seams pretty conclusively that it is a thing with the library. maybe there is a keep alive message that it is not sending that i need to look into.
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