Hi Team, how are you?
(First post, but not completely new here, long time reader of this great forum)
I am in the proces of building a midi-controller for my mpc (to get things finaly more to my hands then the standard factory gear)
and all seems to work fine.
But just one question remains if its possible with the mux74hc4067,
Can i give 16 potmeters an output range through the mux? like : myPot.outputRange(20, 120); (times 16)
i found two examples on github, and this is possible on the Potmeter exampel, but not addressed in the Mux-example.
Ive reached out to the author with this same question, but unfortunatly still no replay.
Links to the examples :
It would be helpful if its possible, so i can use limited inputs on the teensy and route all the pots via the mux.
the range is needed in my case to attach this to an extra gain option, i just want it to go from -3db, 0db, and +3db to avoid huge volume accidents during a live performance.
Thanks in advance for tips and or help, as this project is still in startup fase, ive been using these github examples as is.
(First post, but not completely new here, long time reader of this great forum)
I am in the proces of building a midi-controller for my mpc (to get things finaly more to my hands then the standard factory gear)
and all seems to work fine.
But just one question remains if its possible with the mux74hc4067,
Can i give 16 potmeters an output range through the mux? like : myPot.outputRange(20, 120); (times 16)
i found two examples on github, and this is possible on the Potmeter exampel, but not addressed in the Mux-example.
Ive reached out to the author with this same question, but unfortunatly still no replay.
Links to the examples :
MIDIcontroller/examples/MIDIpot/MIDIpot.ino at master · joshnishikawa/MIDIcontroller
A library for creating Teensy MIDI controllers with support for hold or latch buttons, potentiometers, encoders, capacitive sensors, Piezo transducers and other velocity sensitive inputs with after...
MIDIcontroller/examples/useMuxedInput/useMuxedInput.ino at master · joshnishikawa/MIDIcontroller
A library for creating Teensy MIDI controllers with support for hold or latch buttons, potentiometers, encoders, capacitive sensors, Piezo transducers and other velocity sensitive inputs with after...
It would be helpful if its possible, so i can use limited inputs on the teensy and route all the pots via the mux.
the range is needed in my case to attach this to an extra gain option, i just want it to go from -3db, 0db, and +3db to avoid huge volume accidents during a live performance.
Thanks in advance for tips and or help, as this project is still in startup fase, ive been using these github examples as is.