Midi problem windows 11


Active member
I have an old midi controller project for a teensy 3.5 that uses usb midi. I had not used it for a few years and decided to use it again. However, it would not work, not midi data would send. After trying to determine why, I connected it to an older laptop that still had windows 10. It works perfectly. I have 2 systems running windows 11, and neither one work. I have the areduino ide installed on both, at version 2.3.3. Teensy is also installed so I compiled in on 11, and uploaded. Same thing. The midi device is recognize, and the name is correct. Device manager even shows the same driver for the usb device. Serial data inidicates I am trying to send midi events but the windows does not show it (using midi-ox).

I dont understand why it does not work.

Is there a driver I need to install to get windows 11 to work with my device?