Hoping to get some help as to why i cant get MIDI to work with the teensy. I have it working with my arduino uno, when I'm using teensyduino IDE I change the usb type to MIDI. Any ideas on why it works on arduino and not teensy? thanks
heres the code I'm trying to test out:
heres the code I'm trying to test out:
#include <MIDI.h> // Add Midi Library
#define LED 13 // Arduino Board LED is on Pin 13
//Create an instance of the library with default name, serial port and settings
void setup() {
pinMode (LED, OUTPUT); // Set Arduino board pin 13 to output
MIDI.begin(MIDI_CHANNEL_OMNI); // Initialize the Midi Library.
// OMNI sets it to listen to all channels.. MIDI.begin(2) would set it
// to respond to notes on channel 2 only.
MIDI.setHandleNoteOn(MyHandleNoteOn); // This is important!! This command
// tells the Midi Library which function you want to call when a NOTE ON command
// is received. In this case it's "MyHandleNoteOn".
MIDI.setHandleNoteOff(MyHandleNoteOff); // This command tells the Midi Library
// to call "MyHandleNoteOff" when a NOTE OFF command is received.
void loop() { // Main loop
MIDI.read(); // Continuously check if Midi data has been received.
// MyHandleNoteON is the function that will be called by the Midi Library
// when a MIDI NOTE ON message is received.
// It will be passed bytes for Channel, Pitch, and Velocity
void MyHandleNoteOn(byte channel, byte pitch, byte velocity) {
digitalWrite(LED,HIGH); //Turn LED on
// MyHandleNoteOFF is the function that will be called by the Midi Library
// when a MIDI NOTE OFF message is received.
// * A NOTE ON message with Velocity = 0 will be treated as a NOTE OFF message *
// It will be passed bytes for Channel, Pitch, and Velocity
void MyHandleNoteOff(byte channel, byte pitch, byte velocity) {
digitalWrite(LED,LOW); //Turn LED off