Monitor On/Off Pin and Power Control

How can I monitor the state of the ON/ON button on the Teensy 4.0?
I need to display a message on the TFT when the button is pressed.

Is it possible?
The button on the Teensy board is a (Re)Program button.
It's easy enough to attach a Button to one of the Teensy I/O pins and either 3.3V or Gnd.
Then you can detect a button press.
There is an On/Off PIN on the T_4.x - does this refer to that?

If so yes - there is posted code that allows override of the default 5 Second GND to OFF.

It was long ago early in T_4.x development - but a button press can call code and that code can run to ignore the press or alter the time or do other actions.

LUCK FINDING: @FrankB did this: