MotionCal magnetometer calibration - Gyro and Acceletometer values


New member
During calibration, does motion cal use gyro and acceletometer values for mag calibration, or is it just for display?

My magnetometer has constant -40 miliTeslas bias on Z axis. I have applied the soft iron compenstion values, but it stil has huge bias on Z. Could this soft iron algorithm have limits?

Best Regards,
What Teensy ?? What library/libraries ?? What IDE ?? What OS ?? Not nearly enough information here to even attempt to help !!

Mark J Culross
MotionCal is a PC-based application I wrote several years ago, around the time of Teensy 3.5 + 3.6 release. It uses OpenGL to visualize the shape of the distribution of calibration points which are supposed to look like a sphere if the data is good and reasonably complete.

It only handles the magnetic calibration. I had thought about also detecting offsets for the other sensors, but no work was ever done for that.

Huge offset for the magnetic sensors are the norm, which is the reason MotionCal exists.
To be sensitive enough to detect the Earth's magnetic field magnetometers use magnetic soft materials to concentrate the field - its important to keep them away from strong fields (many things these days have strong magnets in them). I assume you could use a standard de-gausser to help remove any remnant field from a MEMS magnetometer? They can be affected by nearby SMT components on a PCB as most SMT passive components use plated steel endcaps (which is why you need non-magnetic tweezers to work on SMT parts)