Are very nice 100mm motorized faders with touch sensors from Bourns, as well. I've used them, they work very nicely. That particular model features a pair on snap-in connectors (a 2pin JST-XH for motor control, and a 7-pin JST-XH for everything else - datasheet has pinout descriptions). The only 'problem' with it is that you'll likely need custom cables for it - I've never been able to find a 7-pin JST-XH cable, and ended up hiring a company out here in CA to make some for me. That fader comes in another form with 'PC terminals' where they essentially expect you to make a custom PCB that would solder on directly to the fader.
To drive the motors, you'll need an H-Bridge. The STMicro L293D (plated through hole or DIP socket) or L293DD (SMD) work very nicely - you can control two faders with a single L293. There are a few manufacturers of L293's, but the STMicro ones have built in fly-back diodes. While you're apparently not really supposed to trust those, for these faders I've never had a problem with just using the internal diodes on the L293.
The other thing you'll need (this is why you need the H-bridge) is a 9v power supply. The H-bridge takes your logic-level voltage from the teensy, and boosts it up from that voltage to whatever input voltage you give it. The Bourns faders work from the range of I think 5v to 12v.
You'll also need TWO PWM pins PER MOTOR. That's going to be your biggest issue, I think. I'll run you through the pitfalls of my own testing with motorized faders for Skillet (
First, I tried controlling them directly from a Teensy ++ 2.0 (because it was 5v!) and using digital pins without PWM. This made it difficult to control (5v was moving the faders very slowly, and sometimes not at all). I figured out I needed an H-bridge, and set that up to work. Realized I really needed to use two pins for the motor control - both 'HIGH' or both "LOW" and the motor would be movable, and with the first HIGH and the second LOW, it would move in a direction - flip them (first LOW second HIGH) and it would go in reverse.
The problem then became actually getting it to sit at a particular value, as read by the internal slide potentiometer. You would get what I call 'flutter' due to your main Loop() function not really being capable of updating often enough. Say your fader is currently at position 826 (out of 1024), and you want to move it to position 352. So, you tell the motors to start moving 'down,' and then continue with the rest of your Loop() function. Next time Loop() gets to the fader section, it checks where the fader is, sees that it's at position 519, and says 'OK, keeping going down' and moves on again. Next time through, it sees that it's at position 307. "Oh, better go back up, I need to hit 352." Next time through, it's back towards position 483 ("Better go back down!").
Because you can only sample the fader so often, the fader is unlikely to actually ever exactly reach the position you're trying to get it to reach, and it comes across as a wild oscillation focused around the position you want it at. So the solution is two-fold: First, using PWM pins, means you can control the speed that the motor is moving at.
You can slow the fader down, the closer it gets to the position you're aiming for. This is a really simple algorithm. Secondly, don't try and hit that position exactly. Give yourself a bit of a window - say you're trying to hit 352, but you'll really accept anywhere between 347 and 357 as an acceptable stop point. When the user grabs the fader to move it, that tiny difference in value isn't ever really going to be noticeable.
One last thing: There's information out there (I don't remember it offhand) about changing the PWM frequency. On a Teensy ++ 2.0 the PWM frequency defaults to somewhere around 4000hz - this is WELL within a human's audible frequency range, and keeping it at the default will make your faders sound like an dot matrix printer from 1987. Push that PWM frequency as high as you can possibly get it to go (somewhere beyond about 30,000hz is good). You'll still annoy cats and dogs (they can hear that!) but to humans it'll become inaudible.
Hope this helps a bit!