Moving to Ubuntu Linux


Well-known member
With the supposed end of support for Windows 10 (and being violently incompatible with, and allergic to, Windows 11) I bit the bullet and purchased a new Ubuntu laptop a few weeks ago.

I'm still green in Linux, although it's proving pretty easy so far ...

I have been using IDE 2.3.4 OK, it compiles way faster than Windows ... interesting!

In Windows I would often dive into the Arduino / teensyduino directories to find solve a problem.
but in linux the installation seems to be completely contained in the single AppImage file

Is there somewhere else in Linux where the Arduino/teensyduino system directories are expanded/accessible?

Also, what other teensy/Linux tools are good to use ...
I am not the biggest Ubuntu expert here, but I do use it from time to time...
Like just booting it up now...

The app image file, is only the main Arduino code.

If you are wanting to know where the board installs go and the like,

If you are using a command prompt, the ls command shows you the contents of the directory, but it does not by default show
you hidden files, which includes all file names that start with a '.', you can see those by using the -a option (all), like:
kurte@KurtXPS8950:~$ ls -a
.           .bash_history  .cache   .gitconfig  .local       .profile                   .vscode-remote-containers  Arduino
..          .bash_logout   .cmake   .landscape  .mbed        .python_history            .vscode-server             Downloads
.arduino15  .bashrc        .config  .lesshst    .motd_shown  .sudo_as_admin_successful  .wget-hsts                 git
Which shows the contents of my root disk (in this case it is on my Windows 11 machine using WSL...)
The important directory here is: .arduino15
Which is the linux equivalent to the Arduino15 directory, which for my Windows 11 machine is: C:\Users\kurte\AppData\Local\Arduino15

By default, your library files and sketches are stored at: ~/Arduino directory
And remember file names are case sensitive.
Thanks KurtE, I found that .arduino15 folder and it's contents looks very familar. I also found .arduinoIDE folder next to it with these contents:
Folder dot-arduinoIDE.png

I'd never noticed but I now see that is present in Windows too at C:\Users\xx\.arduinoIDE

I wonder:
What is the Windows equivalent ot the Linux .appImage file ?
Is there an obvious reason that sketches compile so much faster in Linux?

BTW it looks like you're using a Dell XPS 8950 ... nice machine! :cool:
Is there an obvious reason that sketches compile so much faster in Linux?
I believe that's because the windows compiler is built using cygwin, which is a library that allows code designed for linux to run on windows by emulating system calls. The resulting binaries run fairly slow due to the emulation overhead.
This post from a Windows developer might offer some insight.

The "filter driver" part means you might have much slower performance than the already-not-so-optimized norm, depending on what other stuff happens to be installed. Real time scanning from anti-virus software is the usual culprit.