I'm using a teensy3 as a glorified power supply monitor/controller/logger. One of my outputs is a 0-450V linear supply, limited to 20mA or 8W, and I'd like software control of the limits. I'm using PWM -> opto -> rc as an analog output to drive the gate of the pass FET, output voltage is read off a divider and current from a high side current monitor.
Ignoring the dissipation issue (or rolling foldback into software, adding another variable still)..how do I do PID for voltage (x), OR whatever duty cycle results in the programmed current limit OR whatever duty cycle results in the max allowed power output/pass transistor dissipation?
(It doesn't have to go all the way to 0V, but thats more of a question of dissipation, and how close to ideal can I get, and is outside the scope of the control loop question).
Ignoring the dissipation issue (or rolling foldback into software, adding another variable still)..how do I do PID for voltage (x), OR whatever duty cycle results in the programmed current limit OR whatever duty cycle results in the max allowed power output/pass transistor dissipation?
(It doesn't have to go all the way to 0V, but thats more of a question of dissipation, and how close to ideal can I get, and is outside the scope of the control loop question).