need to remote control 2 Teensy 3.0s, bluetooth?

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Well-known member
Hi, I'm thinking of how I can establish remote (wireless) control for my Teensy 3.0s as part of a LED staff project I've been working on last winter and am now picking up on.

At first I want to be able to do simple stuff like move forward in the program, so a simple binary switch function is fine.

I've got a bluetooth module (HC05 I believe) that I am able to pair with from my Macbook. Next step is getting something written for Android so that I can use that as the remote control unit.

What I need to be able to do is talk to both staffs at once though, but I don't know if this is possible (pair with more than one device at once). It would be very neat if that's possible, so that I an also do things like beats-per-minute based pulses, to control the lights with.

Maybe someone has advice on this. Thanks!


I have used a free app that you can figure to send various requests to Teensy via the bluetooth module. I used HC 07 (pretty much same as 05).
Some detail is here.
Happy to provide more details and specifics. I run the app on a cheap second hand phone without a sim card, just use the touch screen as an interface. The app I use is configurable, and you put the 'what does teensy do with this command' bit in the Teensy sketch.

EDIT: sorry, just seen that you want to pair two devices at the same time by the looks of things. As far as I know, the btinterface app will not do this. I believe that single pairing is a limitation of bluetooth as it stands at the moment, but I could be wrong.

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