New audio synth object: Synth_Dexed

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Well-known member

I've been working on the port of the Dexed sound engine (6 OP-FM synth) for a while now (see and Now I put the sound engine into a library and added a whole set of methods to control it. The whole thing works relatively well (for me/MicroDexed), but the code is not necessarily nice (lots of global variables).

The usage is quite simple. Here is the example sketch that simply plays a four-note alternating with two different sounds:

#include <Audio.h>
#include "synth_dexed.h"

uint8_t fmpiano_sysex[156] = {
  95, 29, 20, 50, 99, 95, 00, 00, 41, 00, 19, 00, 00, 03, 00, 06, 79, 00, 01, 00, 14, // OP6 eg_rate_1-4, level_1-4, kbd_lev_scl_brk_pt, kbd_lev_scl_lft_depth, kbd_lev_scl_rht_depth, kbd_lev_scl_lft_curve, kbd_lev_scl_rht_curve, kbd_rate_scaling, amp_mod_sensitivity, key_vel_sensitivity, operator_output_level, osc_mode, osc_freq_coarse, osc_freq_fine, osc_detune
  95, 20, 20, 50, 99, 95, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 03, 00, 00, 99, 00, 01, 00, 00, // OP5
  95, 29, 20, 50, 99, 95, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 03, 00, 06, 89, 00, 01, 00, 07, // OP4
  95, 20, 20, 50, 99, 95, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 03, 00, 02, 99, 00, 01, 00, 07, // OP3
  95, 50, 35, 78, 99, 75, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 03, 00, 07, 58, 00, 14, 00, 07, // OP2
  96, 25, 25, 67, 99, 75, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 03, 00, 02, 99, 00, 01, 00, 10, // OP1
  94, 67, 95, 60, 50, 50, 50, 50,                                                     // 4 * pitch EG rates, 4 * pitch EG level
  04, 06, 00,                                                                         // algorithm, feedback, osc sync
  34, 33, 00, 00, 00, 04,                                                             // lfo speed, lfo delay, lfo pitch_mod_depth, lfo_amp_mod_depth, lfo_sync, lfo_waveform
  03, 24,                                                                             // pitch_mod_sensitivity, transpose
  70, 77, 45, 80, 73, 65, 78, 79, 00, 00                                              // 10 * char for name ("DEFAULT   ")
}; // FM-Piano

AudioSynthDexed          dexed(SAMPLE_RATE);
AudioOutputI2S           i2s1;
AudioControlSGTL5000     sgtl5000_1;
AudioConnection          patchCord1(dexed, 0, i2s1, 0);
AudioConnection          patchCord2(dexed, 0, i2s1, 1);

void setup()

  sgtl5000_1.volume(0.8, 0.8); // Headphone volume

void loop()
  static uint8_t count;

  if (count % 2 == 0)

  dexed.keydown(48, 100);
  dexed.keydown(52, 100);
  dexed.keydown(55, 100);
  dexed.keydown(60, 100);



In the end I use exactly the same library for MicroDexed, except that there is also an encoder, display, sound management and MIDI engine, as well as an effect stack. If someone wants to try it out, here are the methods to control the engine:

    // Global methods
    void activate(void);
    void deactivate(void);
    bool isMonoMode(void);
    void setMonoMode(bool mode);
    void setRefreshMode(bool mode);
    void setMaxNotes(uint8_t n);
    uint8_t getMaxNotes(void);
    void doRefreshVoice(void);
    void setOPs(uint8_t ops);
    bool decodeVoice(uint8_t* encoded_data, uint8_t* data);
    bool encodeVoice(uint8_t* encoded_data);
    bool getVoiceData(uint8_t* data_copy);
    void loadInitVoice(void);
    bool loadVoiceParameters(const uint8_t* data);
    bool loadGlobalParameters(uint8_t* data);
    bool initGlobalParameters(void);
    uint8_t getNumNotesPlaying(void);

    // Sound methods
    void keyup(int16_t pitch);
    void keydown(int16_t pitch, uint8_t velo);
    void setSustain(bool sustain);
    bool getSustain(void);
    void panic(void);
    void notesOff(void);
    void resetControllers(void);
    void setPBController(uint8_t pb_range, uint8_t pb_step);
    void setMWController(uint8_t mw_range, uint8_t mw_assign, uint8_t mw_mode);
    void setFCController(uint8_t fc_range, uint8_t fc_assign, uint8_t fc_mode);
    void setBCController(uint8_t bc_range, uint8_t bc_assign, uint8_t bc_mode);
    void setATController(uint8_t at_range, uint8_t at_assign, uint8_t at_mode);
    void setPortamentoMode(uint8_t portamento_mode, uint8_t portamento_glissando, uint8_t portamento_time);

    // Voice configuration methods
    void setOPRateAll(uint8_t rate);
    void setOPLevelAll(uint8_t level);
    void setOPRateAllCarrier(uint8_t step, uint8_t rate);
    void setOPLevelAllCarrier(uint8_t step, uint8_t level);
    void setOPRateAllModulator(uint8_t step, uint8_t rate);
    void setOPLevelAllModulator(uint8_t step, uint8_t level);
    void setOPRate(uint8_t op, uint8_t step, uint8_t rate);
    uint8_t getOPRate(uint8_t op, uint8_t step);
    void setOPLevel(uint8_t op, uint8_t step, uint8_t level);
    uint8_t getOPLevel(uint8_t op, uint8_t step);
    void setOPKeyboardLevelScalingBreakPoint(uint8_t op, uint8_t level);
    uint8_t getOPKeyboardLevelScalingBreakPoint(uint8_t op);
    void setOPKeyboardLevelScalingDepthLeft(uint8_t op, uint8_t depth);
    uint8_t getOPKeyboardLevelScalingDepthLeft(uint8_t op);
    void setOPKeyboardLevelScalingDepthRight(uint8_t op, uint8_t depth);
    uint8_t getOPKeyboardLevelScalingDepthRight(uint8_t op);
    void setOPKeyboardLevelScalingCurveLeft(uint8_t op, uint8_t curve);
    uint8_t getOPKeyboardLevelScalingCurveLeft(uint8_t op);
    void setOPKeyboardLevelScalingCurveRight(uint8_t op, uint8_t curve);
    uint8_t getOPKeyboardLevelScalingCurveRight(uint8_t op);
    void setOPKeyboardRateScale(uint8_t op, uint8_t scale);
    uint8_t getOPKeyboardRateScale(uint8_t op);
    void setOPAmpModulationSensity(uint8_t op, uint8_t sensitivity);
    uint8_t getOPAmpModulationSensity(uint8_t op);
    void setOPKeyboardVelocitySensity(uint8_t op, uint8_t sensitivity);
    uint8_t getOPKeyboardVelocitySensity(uint8_t op);
    void setOPOutputLevel(uint8_t op, uint8_t level);
    uint8_t getOPOutputLevel(uint8_t op);
    void setOPMode(uint8_t op, uint8_t mode);
    uint8_t getOPMode(uint8_t op);
    void setOPFrequencyCoarse(uint8_t op, uint8_t frq_coarse);
    uint8_t getOPFrequencyCoarse(uint8_t op);
    void setOPFrequencyFine(uint8_t op, uint8_t frq_fine);
    uint8_t getOPFrequencyFine(uint8_t op);
    void setOPDetune(uint8_t op, uint8_t detune);
    uint8_t getOPDetune(uint8_t op);
    void setPitchRate(uint8_t step, uint8_t rate);
    uint8_t getPitchRate(uint8_t step);
    void setPitchLevel(uint8_t step, uint8_t level);
    uint8_t getPitchLevel(uint8_t step);
    void setAlgorithm(uint8_t algorithm);
    uint8_t getAlgorithm(void);
    void setFeedback(uint8_t feedback);
    uint8_t getFeedback(void);
    void setOscillatorSync(bool sync);
    bool getOscillatorSync(void);
    void setLFOSpeed(uint8_t speed);
    uint8_t getLFOSpeed(void);
    void setLFODelay(uint8_t delay);
    uint8_t getLFODelay(void);
    void setLFOPitchModulationDepth(uint8_t depth);
    uint8_t getLFOPitchModulationDepth(void);
    void setLFOAmpModulationDepth(uint8_t delay);
    uint8_t getLFOAmpModulationDepth(void);
    void setLFOSync(bool sync);
    bool getLFOSync(void);
    void setLFOWaveform(uint8_t waveform);
    uint8_t getLFOWaveform(void);
    void setLFOPitchModulationSensitivity(uint8_t sensitivity);
    uint8_t getLFOPitchModulationSensitivity(void);
    void setTranspose(uint8_t transpose);
    uint8_t getTranspose(void);
    void setName(char* name);
    void getName(char* buffer);

I will try to organize the library better in the next time (e.g. remove the global variables and write more documentation). Have fun with it.

You can clone the repository from here:


(PR's welcome :) )
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Hi @JayShoe,

thanks a lot!

I managed to fix several problems. I also added two simple examples for the library and a Python script which converts SYSEX banks to a header file. Now you can easily use lots of sounds. Also API seems to be complete, so I would be happy to see (and hear) if someone finds it useful.

Regards, Holger
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