Well-known member
Since I didn't find a stepper motor library meeting my needs I rolled my own and finally published it
on gitHub You'll find a detailed description there.
Here the key specification of the library
The library is compatible to T3.0 T3.1 T3.2, T3.5 and T3.6. As always, it's amazing what can be done
with those boards. Handling 3 synchronously running motors at a pulse rate of 50kHz-including
Bresenham and acceleration calculations- generates a load of only 6.5% for a T3.6 (@240MHz)
and about 17% for a T3.2 (@96MHz). The generated load is linear in motor speed, i.e. half the step rate
generates half the load.
The picture below shows some additional performance information.
Hope the library is of use for somebody. As always: any feedback welcome
Have fun
on gitHub You'll find a detailed description there.
Here the key specification of the library
Motor speed / pulse rate | 1 - 300'000 stp/s |
Acceleration | 0 - 500'000 stp/s^2 |
Pull in speed (speed up to which no acceleration is required) | 50-10'000 stp/s |
Synchronous movement of motors | up to 10 |
Asynchronous movement of motors | 4 groups of 1 to 10 motors |
Settable step pulse polarity | Active high or low |
Settable step pulse width | 1-100µs |
Settable direction signal polarity | cw/ccw |
The library is compatible to T3.0 T3.1 T3.2, T3.5 and T3.6. As always, it's amazing what can be done
with those boards. Handling 3 synchronously running motors at a pulse rate of 50kHz-including
Bresenham and acceleration calculations- generates a load of only 6.5% for a T3.6 (@240MHz)
and about 17% for a T3.2 (@96MHz). The generated load is linear in motor speed, i.e. half the step rate
generates half the load.
The picture below shows some additional performance information.
Hope the library is of use for somebody. As always: any feedback welcome
Have fun