New Teensy Nextion Library


Well-known member
I have recently finished a Driver for the Nextion Display.
Actually it is a Skeletal driver with most things done but an area where
you can insert your own code.

I have also developed a Text Monitor page on the Nextion where text at a rate
of up to 800 lines a minute can be written. I have also included a slider so that
the written text can be back tracked up to 200 lines for historical investigation.

The library is here. I am still in the process of completing the documentation (, but most
of it can be seen in the Nextion.h file.

The video, above, just demonstrates what I have achieved so far.
Comments please.... be kind.

The screen flash near the start of the video is where my phone (camera) went
nuts when the Teensy Reset the Nextion, which momentarily blanks the screen.
excellent work. when i get a chance i'm going to buy one of these displays and give it a go.

Thanks for all your hard work.
excellent work. when i get a chance i'm going to buy one of these displays and give it a go.

Thanks for all your hard work.
Your welcome, thanks for that.
Before you purchase anything, download the Nextion Design Editor. It has a debug facility which allows you to run your design in simulation mode.
This will better allow you to learn the Nextion system without having to buy anything and also determine which model of display is best suited to your needs.
Be aware that, currently, the more powerful displays are 5v i/o and will need some form of level conversion, although min high input is 3v.
When it comes to purchasing I find it's best to go to the manufacturers for price. They also have a peculiar pricing structure where the more powerful Intelligent series displays can be cheaper than the less powerful Enhanced series.
  Code by Robert E Bridges
  This library is intended to be used to create your own Nextion Library. Most of it is done for you. 
  The function that you will mostly alter is the "respondToReply()" function.
  I developed this library to control the valves in my Home Heating system, so there are functions
  that pertain to the opening/closing of valves. This can be used as an example as to how to use/develop
  the Library.
  I mostly communicate with the nextion through the passing of data into/from numeric variables.
  I have a TimerEvent which runs at 600mS intervals, slow I know but fast enough for my current needs.
  When, for example this timer notices that the numeric variable "SetTime" is not zero it takes the value
  from this variable and sets the time. The format of the data in this variable is (in HEX) "HHMMSS".
  After having set the time the variable is set back to 0 again.
  Other variables are interrogated and responded to in a similar way by the code for this Timer Event.
  An example is to give an impressionof a flashing led, turning on or off a radio button with a different
  colour for on and off.

  Below is the Nextion code snippet to set the RTC time.

	//Set RTC time if SetTime > 0  NOTE: Variables declared in Nextion Programs.s
	  rtc3=xx		// Set the hour
	  xx=xx>>8	// Set the minutes
	  rtc5=xx		// Set the seconds

Revision		    Date		Author			Description
  1.00  16/04/2022	Robert E Bridges	- Initial release
  1.10  17/04/2022	Robert E Bridges	- Added printMoreTextToNextion and improved explanation.
  1.15  18/04/2022	Robert E Bridges	- Changed to reflect Nextion use of Global Variables in Program.s
  1.20  22/04/2022	Robert E Bridges	- Added nextionError. Set when Nextion returns an error or an invalid number of characters returned
				- Added errorCode. Set to the Nextion returned error or thr error code for invalid num chars.
				  errorCode is cleared if getReply() is called and there are chars from Nextion.
				- All the following added:
  1.25  01/05/2022	Robert E Bridges	- Completed respondToReply. Now handles the return of Text from the Nextion.
				- Added setTextBuffer. Adds a text buffer where text data is placed from Nextion.
  1.30  08/05/2022	Robert E Bridges	- Added askSerialBufferClear      use   <---- THIS
 			                    and isSerialBufferClear           before <---- THIS
  1.35  09/05/2022	Robert E Bridges	- Added setBkcmdLevel and handling of successful command completion when bkcmd = 1 or 3.
				  see setBkcmdLevel for explanation.
  1.40  10/05/2022	Robert E Bridges	- Added lastComdCompletedOk as a complement to setBkcmdLevel above.
				- Added timeout to getReply
  1.50  25/05/2022	Robert E Bridges	- Added setScreenDimTime
				- Changed getNumVarValue error return to -1 from 0xFFFF.
				- Added a const char revision to reflect the revision.
				  duplicated with revisionNum to better allow checking/comparison.

#include "Arduino.h"

#pragma pack(push,1)

	These are all the data types used to communicate with the Nextion. More correctly
	they are the data types for data returned FROM the Nextion display.
	Some data returns only need 4 bytes, the Id and the Nextion terminating string,	
	\0xFF\0xFF\0xFF, whilst others require much more right up to the reset function
	which returns two data sets in one go i.e. startUp message and ready message
	|----- Start up message ------------------| |--- Ready Message ---|
	0x00 0x00 0x00 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF  0x88 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF

	All the comms are put int the variable nextionEvent which is of nextionEventType.
	this consists of the Id of the message which is returned in nextionEvent.Id. The	
	remaining bytes are put into nextionEvent.reply3, or nextionEvent.reply4 etc.	
	The relevant reply type is examined to interpret the data.
	Infact when data is returned from the Nextion it is placed in
	nextionEvent.resetReply because this is the lartgest structure and can accomodate
	all types of reply.
	Note that there is sometimes the need to convert from little endian to big endian
	due to Teensy and Nextion using different endians./

struct rep3Type {
	uint32_t	nextTerm;  // = 0xFFFFFF swap little endian to big endian =  0xFFFFFF00
struct rep4Type {
	uint8_t	pageNum;
	uint32_t	nextTerm;
struct rep5Type {
	uint8_t	ans[2];
	uint32_t	nextTerm;
struct rep6Type {
	uint8_t	pageNum;
	uint8_t	component;
	uint8_t	pressed;
	uint32_t	nextTerm;
struct rep7Type {
	union {
 	     uint8_t	    ans[4];
	     uint16_t   num[2];
	     uint32_t   number32bit;
	uint32_t	nextTerm;
struct rep7IntType {
	union {
	     uint8_t	    ans[4];
	     uint16_t   num[2];
	     int32_t	   number32bitInt;
	uint32_t	nextTerm;
struct rep8Type {
	union {
  	     uint8_t	   x[2];
	     uint16_t  xPos;
	union {
	     uint8_t	   y[2];
	     uint16_t  yPos;
	uint8_t	pressed;
	uint32_t	nextTerm;
				// After Reset Nextion Returns 00 00 00 FF FF followed by 88 FF FF FF
struct resetReplyType {                                  // first 00 in nextionEvent char Id
	uint32_t	startup4Bytes;	// 00 00 FF FF swap little endian to big endian = 0x0FFFF0000
	uint8_t	startupByte;	// FF
	uint32_t	readyReply;	// 88 FF FF FF swap little endian to big endian = 0x0FFFFFF88
	uint32_t	overflow;		// Just to allow a 4 byte buffer if extra erroneous bytes are 
};				//       sent during "reset" (Have Seen It in error conditions)

struct nextionEventType {
	char id;
	union {
	     rep3Type	reply3;
	     rep4Type	reply4;
	     rep5Type	reply5;
	     rep6Type	reply6;
	     rep7Type	reply7;
	     rep7IntType	reply7int;
	     rep8Type	reply8;
	     resetReplyType	resetReply;      //-- The largest Type
	     uint8_t		data[sizeof(resetReplyType)]; // Just so that data can be annalysed for debug purposes
}; // nextionEvent;
#pragma pack(pop)

enum onOffFlashingType {
	off = 0,
	on,	// = 1,
	flashing	// = 2
enum topMidBottmType {
	top = 0,
	mid,	// = 1,
	bottom	// = 2,


	This is an explanation of the data returned from the Nextion.
	I think it's self explanatory, but then I wrote it!!
	There is the Id returned by the Nextion, followed by the number of following bytes,
	followed by an expanation of those bytes. It is only because we have this
	information that this library was able to be written. All is based upon this info.


/*                                                                   /-------- 	Id Codes Returned by Nextion
					                            /             /----------- Number of Char/Bytes returned after Id Char/Byte
					                           /             /
					                          /             /	                     /-------- Char/Bytes returned after Id Char/Byte
  					                         /	       /                           /
				 	                        /            /         |----------------------------|   */
const uint8_t	nextionStartUp		= 0x00;  //   5	0x00 0x00 0x00 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF		Returned when Nextion has started or reset
const uint8_t	instructionSuccess	= 0x01;  //   3	0x01 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF			(ONLY SENT WHEN bkcmd = 1 or 3)
const uint8_t	touchEvent		= 0x65;  //   6	0x65 0x00 0x01 0x01 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF		Returned when Touch occurs
					                             //	 	   data: Page 0, Component 1, Pressed	Returns page, component and pressed or not, 0 or 1
const uint8_t	currentPageNumber	= 0x66; //   4	0x66 0x01 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF			Returned when the sendme command is used.
					                             //		data : page 1
const uint8_t	touchCoordinateAwake= 0X67; //   8	0x67 0x00 0x7A 0x00 0x1E 0x01 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF	Returned when sendxy = 1 and not in sleep mode
					                            //		data: (122, 30) Pressed
const uint8_t	touchCoordinateSleep	= 0X68; //   8	0x68 0x00 0x7A 0x00 0x1E 0x01 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF	Returned when sendxy = 1 and exiting sleep
					                            //		data: (122, 30) Pressed (0 for NOT pressed)
const uint8_t	stringDataEnclosed	= 0x70; //    0	means variable amount 
					                            //	0x70 0x61 0x62 0x31 0x32 0x33 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF	Returned when using get command for a string.
					                            //		data: ab123				Each byte is converted to char.
const uint8_t	numericDataEnclosed	= 0x71; //   7	0x71 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF	Returned when get command to return a number
					                             //		data: 67305985				4 byte 32 - bit value in little endian order.
const uint8_t	autoEnteredSleepMode= 0x86; //   3	0x86 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF			Returned when Nextion enters sleep automatically 
                                                                      //                                                        Using sleep = 1 will not return an 0x86
const uint8_t	autoAwakeFromSleepMode= 0x87; //   3	0x87 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF			Returned when Nextion leaves sleep automatically	Using sleep = 0 will not return an 0x87
const uint8_t	nextionReady		= 0x88; //   3	0x88 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF			Returned when Nextion has powered up and is now initialized successfully
const uint8_t	powerOnMicroSDCardDet= 0x89; //   3	0x89 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF			Returned when power on detects inserted microSD and begins Upgrade by microSD process
const uint8_t	transparentDataFin	= 0xFD; //  3   	0xFD 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF			Returned when all requested bytes of Transparent Data mode 
					              //						have been received, and is now leaving transparent data mode(see 1.16)
const uint8_t	transparentDataReady	                  = 0xFE; // 3	0xFE 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF			Returned when requesting Transparent Data mode, and device is now ready 
			  		              //						to begin receiving the specified quantity of data(see 1.16)

*									      *
*	Below are the error codes returned by the Nextion            		                        *
*	Whether they are returned or not depends upon the value by the Nextion bkcmd.                     *
*	This can be set to Level 0 ... to Level 3. Below are shown the bkcmd level at which                  *
*                the error/state message is returned. The default is Level 2.			      *
*									      *

/* Error/event codes (ONLY 0x01 is an event code)
				                                    /------------ Error/Event Code
				                                  /	                /------- Error/Event Code returned when bkcmd equals value shown
				                                 /                     /
 				                                /          |----------|  */
const uint8_t invalidInstruction		= 0x00;	// bkcmd 2,3	0x00 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF	Returned when instruction sent by user has failed
//const uint8_t instructionSuccess	= 0x01;	// bkcmd 1,3	0x01 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF	       (ONLY SENT WHEN bkcmd = 1 or 3 )
const uint8_t invalidComponentId	= 0x02;	// bkcmd 2,3	0x02 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF	Returned when invalid Component ID or name was used
const uint8_t invalidPageId		        = 0x03;	// bkcmd 2,3	0x03 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF	Returned when invalid Page ID or name was used
const uint8_t invalidPictureId		= 0x04;	// bkcmd 2,3	0x04 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF	Returned when invalid Picture ID was used
const uint8_t invalidFontId		        = 0x05;	// bkcmd 2,3	0x05 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF	Returned when invalid Font ID was used
const uint8_t invalidFileOperation	= 0x06;	// bkcmd 2,3	0x06 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF	Returned when File operation fails
const uint8_t invalidCrc		        = 0x09;	// bkcmd 2,3	0x09 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF	Returned when Instructions with CRC validation fails their CRC check
const uint8_t invalidBaudRateSetting	= 0x11;	// bkcmd 2,3	0x11 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF	Returned when invalid Baud rate was used
const uint8_t invalidWaveformIdChan	= 0x12;	// bkcmd 2,3	0x12 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF	Returned when invalid Waveform ID or Channel # was used
const uint8_t invalidVarNameAttrib	= 0x1A;	// bkcmd 2,3	0x1A 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF	Returned when invalid Variable name or invalid attribute was used
const uint8_t invalidVarOperation	= 0x1B;	// bkcmd 2,3	0x1B 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF	Returned when Operation of Variable is invalid.
					                                //					ie: Text assignment t0.txt = abc or t0.txt = 23, 
					                                //					or    Numeric assignment j0.val = ”50? or j0.val = abc
const uint8_t assignmentFailed		= 0x1C;	// bkcmd 2,3	0x1C 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF	Returned when attribute assignment failed to assign
const uint8_t EEPROMOperationFailed	= 0x1D;	// bkcmd 2,3	0x1D 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF	Returned when an EEPROM Operation has failed
const uint8_t invalidQtyParams		= 0x1E;	// bkcmd 2,3	0x1E 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF	Returned when the number of instruction parameters is invalid
const uint8_t ioOperationFailed		= 0x1F;	// bkcmd 2,3	0x1F 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF	Returned when an IO operation has failed
const uint8_t invalidEscapeChar		= 0x20;	// bkcmd 2,3	0x20 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF	Returned when an unsupported escape uint8_tacter is used
const uint8_t variableNameToLong	= 0x23;	// bkcmd 2,3	0x23 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF	Returned when variable name is too long.Max length is 29 characters: 
					                                //						14 for page + “.” + 14 for component.
const uint8_t serialBufferOverflow	= 0x24;	//   always		0x24 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF	Returned when a Serial Buffer overflow occurs	
					                                //					Buffer will continue to receive the current instruction, all previous instructions are lost.
* Error code generated by this library when incorrect number of characters returned by Nextion
const uint8_t invalidNumCharsReturned   = 0x3F;

enum bkcmdStateType {
	noReturn,   //= 0,		
	onSuccess,	 // = 1,
	onFailure,	 // = 2 Default
	always	 // = 3

const uint8_t  boilerButton  = 5;
const uint8_t  hwButton      = 6;

class Stream;

class Nextion {


		typedef void (*setNextionBaudCallbackFunc) (uint32_t);		// create function pointer type
		typedef void (*nextionTurnValveOnOffCallbackFunc) (uint32_t, bool);	// create function pointer type

		const char	            revision[5]	       = "1.50";
		const uint16_t       revisionNum	       = 150;

		uint32_t	            baudRate	       = 9600;
		const uint32_t       resetNextionBaud  = baudRate;
		uint32_t	            recoveryBaudRate = baudRate;	// used for recovery when changing baud rate does not work
		bool	            nextionError          = false;
		bool	            comdExecOk        = false;		// only used for bkcmd = 1 or 3
		bool	            stringWaiting        = false;
		uint8_t	            errorCode             = instructionSuccess;
		bkcmdStateType  bkcmd	     = onFailure;

		nextionEventType nextionEvent;

//      s is the serial stream to use e.g. Serial1
		Nextion(Stream* s);
	begin(uint32_t br, setNextionBaudCallbackFunc func = nullptr) - passes the Nextion
	baud rate to the library. This is put into the variable baudRate. No changes to the
	baudRate are made by this Function. Also, if passed, sets the call back function
	so that this library can have control over the Teensy baudrate.
	Turns on automatic control of Teensy baudrate if passed.
	begin( baudRate ) - autoSetting of Teensy baud rate set off.
	begin( baudRate, setNextionBaud ) - passes the baud rate and function to change
							Teensy baudRate.
		void begin(uint32_t br, setNextionBaudCallbackFunc func = nullptr);
	sendCommand(const char* command); - Sends command to Nextion.
	sendCommand(const char* command, uint32_t num); - Sends command & num to Nextion.
	sendCommand(const char* command, uint32_t txt, encloseText); - Sends command & txt	
	In the 3rd form above, if encloseTxt is true then txt is enclosed between
	quotation marks ".
	So sendCommand( "page0.CommentBox.txt=","Hello There",true); results in
	page0.CommentBox.txt="Hello There"\xFF\xFF\xFF being sent to the Nextion.
	Sends the command to Nextion. If bkcmd level has been set to 1 or 3 the code is
	setup to look for a response from the Nextion.
	if bkcmd set to 1 or 3, use the command lastComdCompletedOk(uint32_t timeout)
	below after a command or before the next command to determine that the (last)
	command completed ok.
		void sendCommand(const char* command);
		void sendCommand(const char* command, uint32_t num);
		void sendCommand(const char* command, const char* txt, bool encloseText);
	setBkCmdLevel(bkcmdStateType level) - Sets Nextion bkcmd value
	The default value is onFailure (2)
	When set to 1 or 3, use the command bool lastComdCompletedOk(uint32_t timeout)
	below after a command or before the next command to determine that the (last)
	command completed ok.
	level is ONLY allowed to be 1 or 3 if compiled with #define bkcmd1or3allowed in
		void setBkCmdLevel(bkcmdStateType level);
	lastComdCompletedOk(uint32_t timeout) - ret true/false if last comd completed ok
	This command is to be used if bkcmd level is set to 1 or 3 and ONLY where a
	command is used to set a state on the Nextion.
	Where a request for information	is sent to nextion, as in "get varName", the
	returned value is the handshake.	
	If other values are used (0 or 2) it is transparent and will return true.	
	This is not an indication that the command completed ok as handshaking is off.
		bool lastComdCompletedOk(uint32_t timeout);
	Set the Text Area to be used for the Return of Text data from Nextion 
       	If text is sent from the Nextion (following the 0x70 identifier) it will be
	sent to SerialUsb if this function has not been used to specify a variable
     	to hold the text data. The parameter must be the size of the textMessage
	variable. If more text is returned than there is space for in textMessage
	it will be sent to the SerialUsb.
	Usage:   setTextBuffer( textBuffer, sizeof( textBuffer ));
		void setTextBuffer(const char* textBuffer, uint8_t textBufferSize);
	clearBuffer() - Clears the Teensy (Nextion) serial input.
	Use where things have perhaps gone wrong and you need to clear out erroneous
		void clearBuffer();
	commsOk() - Checks that valid communications exist with the Nextion Display.
	It sends the command "sendme\xFF\xFF\xFF" and looks for a reply. It does not look
	for the page number for a reply, because comms may have been lost due to using
     	the wrong baud rate, in which case a reply might be 0x23FFFFFF - variable name
	too long or some other error reply. Instead it looks for any valid reply.
		bool commsOk();
	reset(baudRate) - Resets the Nextion Display and sets the baud rate to "baudRate"
	Sends a reset command to the Nextion. Sets the Teensy baud rate to 9600 if that
      	baud rate NOT already in use. ( upon reset the Nextion defaults to this baud rate )
	and waits for a valid reply. The Teensy baud rate is set using the callBack
	function registered using the display.begin function.
	When a valid reply has been seen the Nextion AND Teensy have the buadRate changed
	to the baud rate passed in the function call.
	The function returns true if valid comms with the Nextion can be established.
	Sets bkcmd to onFailure (Default)
	     reset() - If no baud rate is passed then the baudRate defaults to the reset 9600
	     reset(1) - Sets the Baud Rate to that in use at the entry to the Reset function.
	     reset(115200) - Will do a reset and set the baudRate to 115200.
		bool reset(uint32_t br = 0);
	recoverNextionComms() - attempts to recover Nextion Comms once they have been lost
	First sets the Teensy baud rate to the recoverBaudRate (see setNextionBaudRate
       	below). Uses the commsOK function to determine that comms have been re-established.
	If that does not work then all the baud rates that the Nextion might use are cycled
	through until a valid baud rate can be found.
	Returns the value of the baud rate found.
	If NO valid baud rate can be found then returns 0.
		uint32_t recoverNextionComms();
	Check if char(s) returned from Nextion. If not do something else and come back
	later to check again or else Wait for timeout. Default is 0..don't wait.
	If there is a reply from Nextion then the Reply Char is received and the required
	number of following char/bytes dependent upon the value of the Id.
	The Id char is placed in
	The remaining chars are placed in nextionEvent.reply8 ready to be decoded.
	true is returned if there is an Id char and the required number of chars
	are returned. Otherwise, false is returned.
	If the first char is received within timeout a further timeout of 1 second
	is allowed for remaining characters.
	This proc does NOT get any strings returned from Nextion. Use respondToReply()
	for that.
		bool getReply(uint32_t timeout = 0);
	respondToReply() - returns true if something needs responding to.
	This is where you need to put your code. Use getReply() to get any info from the
       	Nextion (see above) and this function to decode the reply and respond to it.
	It returns true if further response is needed.
	I like to have requests from the Nextion Display embedded into numbers.	Within this
	code I want to turn valves on or off. The number returned by the Nextion contains
	the valve to be moved and whether it should be opened or closed (0 or 1)
	If you have handled the Nextion response fully then set needsResponse to false.
		bool respondToReply();
	printAnyReturnCharacters(uint32_t nextionTime, uint8_t id).
	This function is intended to be used in debugging your code. It prints out to the
	SerialUsb the value "nextionTime" and "Id", both values that might be useful in
	tracking down where your error occurred, followed by any values that are in the
	Serial input stream from the Nextion.
	It might be that you have used "respondToReply", with your code in it, but still
	there is something being returned that needs to be responded to. Use this function
	to see what unexpected data is being sent from the Nextion Display.
	ALL data is output in HEX.
		void printAnyReturnCharacters(uint32_t nextionTime, uint8_t id);
	setNextionBaudRate(uint32_t br) - Sets the baud rate on Nextion and Teensy.
	This routine saves the current baud rate in a variable recoveryBaudRate so that
      	recoveryBaudRate can be tried first by the recoverNextionComms() function,
	thus saving some time in the recovery.
	In order for this function to work correctly it requires that the
	setNextionBaudCallbackFunc was passed to the Library with the Nextion.display.begin
	function. If not it will be the responsibility of the calling program to set the
	Teensy BaudRate accordingly.
		void setNextionBaudRate(uint32_t br);
	setBackLight(uint32_t backLight) - Sets the display BackLight(0..100).
	Any value greater than 100 will default to 100.
	0 is off 100 is MAX brightness.
	void setBackLight(uint32_t backLight);
	getNumVarValue(const char* varName) - Gets the value of Nextion Variable.
	Waits for up to 100ms for a reply. If no reply returns -1.
	In reality this command should only be sent when the Nextion Serial buffer is
	empty otherwise, any reply may be from previously stacked up Nextion commands
	and therefore be erroneous.
	The varName MUST exist.
		int32_t getNumVarValue(const char* varName);
	getStringVarValue(const char* varName) - Gets the text from Nextion Variable.
	Waits for up to 100ms for a reply. If no reply returns false.
	In reality this command should only be sent when the Nextion Serial buffer is
	empty otherwise, any reply may be from previously stacked up Nextion commands
	and therefore be erroneous.
	The varName MUST exist.
	The result is placed in the string setup with the setTextBuffer function.
	If no screen has been setup it will simply be echoed to the screen (Serial).
	Returns true if string returned successfully. stringWaiting is also set to true.
		bool getStringVarValue(const char* varName);
	setNumVarValue(const char* varName, int32_t var ) - Sets Nextion Variable to var.
	The varName MUST exist.
		bool setNumVarValue(const char* varName, int32_t var);
	askSerialBufferClear() - Ask Nextion if Serial Buffer Clear (Empty)	
	Sends "get clrBufr" to Nextion. Nextion will reply with 0xFDFD when it gets to
	this request in the SerialBuffer, indicating it has executed this last command
	in the Serial Buffer. If other commands are sent after this one the Serial
	Use the command isSerialBufferClear(), below to confirm Serial Buffer Clear.
	Requires this line "int clrBufr=65021" in Nextion Program.s
		void askSerialBufferClear();
	isSerialBufferClear() - Query answer from askSerialBufferClear() above
	NOTE that if other commands are stacked up which will give a reply from Nextion,
	then they will be handled by the calls to getReply and respondToReply used by
	this function. They may return a reply, but if it is NOT a Numeric reply with
	0xFDFD they will NOT return true.
		bool isSerialBufferClear();
	bool askSerialBufferClear(uint32_t timeout) - As above but waits for a reply
	Combines askSerialBufferClear() and isSerialBufferClear() with a timeout to
	determine if the Nextion input Serial Buffer is Clear.
		bool askSerialBufferClear(uint32_t timeout);
	turnNextionButton(uint8_t which, bool on)
	I have Nextion buttons named Sw0..Sw6. I use this function to set the relevant
	button on (1) or off (0)
	I have ghosted this function with the phrase "turnNextionValve" since some of the
	buttons are controlling valves and it makes more sense in the code to refer to
	them as valves.
#define turnNextionValve turnNextionButton
		void turnNextionButton(uint8_t which, bool on);
	setHotWaterOnForMins(uint8_t howLong)
	This is somewhat clever. Teensy sets the hot water on and sends a command to the
	Nextion to turn off the hot water in "howLong" minutes.
	When the Nextion receives this command (via a numeric value in a Number Variable)
	it turns the display for the valve open "on" and when the timeout occurs it sends
	a command to the Teensy to turn off the hotwater. This is done via the callback
	setup via the setValveCallBack(nextionTurnValveOnOffCallbackFunc func)function.
	Thus some timing control is offloaded to the Nextion.
		void setHotWaterOnForMins(uint8_t howLong);
	setTime(uint32_t time) - Sets the time on the Nextion.
	The time is sent as HEX HHMMSS in the variable "page0.SetTime=HHMMSS0xFF0xFF0xFF"
	When the Nextion sees that SetTime is not zero it sets the Nextion time.
	The SetTime variable is then set to 0.
	     uint32_t time = Hours * 0x10000 + Minutes * 0x100 + Seconds	
		void setTime(uint32_t time);
	setDaylightSavingOn( on) - Turn Nextion daylight saving variable on or off
	   setDaylightSavingOn( true )  - Turn on
	   setDaylightSavingOn( false ) - Turn off
		bool setDaylightSavingOn(bool on);
	turnDebugOn(bool on) - Turn Nextion debug variable on or off						*
	   turnDebugOn( true )  - Turn debug on
	   turnDebugOn( false ) - Turn debug off
		bool turnDebugOn(bool on);
	setScreenDimTime(uint32_t dimTime) - Sets the time, in seconds, after which the screen
   				           will dim if screen dimming is turned on.
  				           The default is 3 minutes.
		bool setScreenDimTime(uint32_t dimTime);
	turnScreenDimOn(bool on) - Turn Nextion dimAllowed variable on or off
	   turnScreenDimOn( true )  - Turn Dim on
	   turnScreenDimOn( false ) - Turn Dim off
		bool turnScreenDimOn(bool on);
	setValveCallBack(nextionTurnValveOnOffCallbackFunc func) - passes the Nextion the
	call back function to turn a valve on or off
		void setValveCallBack(nextionTurnValveOnOffCallbackFunc func);
	setLedState - Sets the state of the leds in top, middle or bottom Row.
	which = led (0..7) and state is on (1), off (0) or flashing (2).
	Just sets the state in variable holding leds row state. There is no change
	to the leds display until setNextionLeds( row ) is used.
	Usage:   setLedState( mid, 4, flashing );
		void setLedState(topMidBottmType whichLed, uint8_t which/*0..7*/, onOffFlashingType state);
	setNextionLeds actually sends command to Nextion to change the state of
	which leds ( top, middle or bottom row ) set with setLedState function.
	Usage:   setNextionLeds( top );
		void setNextionLeds(topMidBottmType which);
	clearLeds sets the leds state variable to all (top, middle and bottom) off.
	Uses setNextionLeds to send command to update all rows on Nextion.
		void clearLeds();
	printTimeEmbeddedTextToNextion - Sends Text to Nextion to be placed in variable
	page0.msg.txt. If transmit is set to true the text is terminated with a "
	character and m0,1 is clicked to cause the screen on page1 to be updated using
	the finishNextionTextTransmittion() command (see below).
	The procedure sends page0.msg.txt=" to the Nextion followed by the text.
	Usage: printTimeEmbeddedTextToNextion( "This is a load of text for page1", true );
	A string representing the Nextion time in the format " HH:MM:SS " is inserted
	AFTER the first character.         This is carried out by the Nextion display.
		void printTimeEmbeddedTextToNextion(const char* p, bool transmit);
	printTextToNextion - Sends Text to Nextion to be placed in variable
	page1.va0.txt. If transmit is set to true the text is terminated with a "
	character and m0,0 is clicked to cause the screen on page1 to be updated using
	the finishNextionTextTransmittion() command (see below).
	The procedure sends page1.va0.txt=" to the Nextion followed by the text.
	Usage:   printTextToNextion( "This is a load of text for page1", true );
		void printTextToNextion(const char* p, bool transmit);
	printMoreTextToNextion - It is the same as the printTextToNextion function except
	that the page0.msg.txt=" is NOT sent.
	Usage:   printMoreTextToNextion( "This is a load of text for page1", true );
	NOTE: DO NOT use this without first using printTextToNextion( "text", false );
		void printMoreTextToNextion(const char* p, bool transmit);
	printNumericText - Sends number to Nextion. This command MUST have been preceeded
	by the printTextToNextion command shown above. If transmit is set to true the text
	is terminated with a "character and m0 is clicked to cause the screen on page1 to
	be updated using the finishNextionTextTransmittion() command (see below).
	Usage:   printNumericText( n, true );	// where n is a uint32_t
	NOTE: DO NOT use this without first using printTextToNextion( "text", false );
		void printNumericText(int32_t num, bool transmit);
	finishNextionTextTransmittion() - Terminate the text transmitted to Nextion with a
	" character and terminate the command correctly. Also issues the relevant
	click m0 command dependant upon which printText command was used to cause the
	screen on page1 to be updated.
	( Uses "click m0,1" or "click m0,0" as appropriate )
	Usage:   finishNextionTextTransmittion()
		void finishNextionTextTransmittion();
	I like to keep a monitor of what has happened in the system. This display is on
	page1 of the Nextion display. I use the first character position to indicate the
	type of message/source of message. e.g. C for command, E for error message. After
	this character I insert the Time in " HH:MM:SS " format. This is done by the
	Nextion Display.
	printCommandOrErrorTextMessage - sends the commandOrError charater followed by the
	textMessage to the Nextion using the printTimeEmbeddedTextToNextion command above.
	If transmit is set to true the text	is terminated with a "character and m0 is
	clicked to cause the screen on page1 to be updated using the
	finishNextionTextTransmittion() command (see above).	
		void printCommandOrErrorTextMessage(const char* commandOrError, const char* textMessage, bool transmit);
	preserveTopTextLine() - Top text line writing inhibited.
	All general text commands do not use top line if this command actuated.
		void preserveTopTextLine();
	writeToTopTextLine(const char* textMessage)
		void writeToTopTextLine(const char* textMessage);
	releaseTopTextLine() - Allows normall scroll writing to the Top Text Line
	All general text commands can use top line again (Default Setting).
		void releaseTopTextLine();
	clearTextScreen() - Clears the Nextion Text Screen (page1)
	If the Top Line is preserved that is not cleared, use clearTopTextLine instead.
		void clearTextScreen();
	clearTopTextLine() - Clears the Nextion Text Screen Top Text Line
		void clearTopTextLine();
At last I have finished the Library and it's (also REadMe.pdf showing graphics) on the GitHub page.
Note that the GitHub page name has changed to - dropped the trailing -.
...also now included are the full HMI and INO files to allow adoption with minimum fuss/typing.
Apologies for the alignment problems at the start of this was perfect in Visual Studio, then went into Notepad as a txt file
and needed modification, then into this BB and further modification in the editor of the advanced view and it is STILL wrong when submitted.

Be aware that the Nextion.h file shown above WILL NOT compile, it is here for viewing only. Use the code in GitHub.