Next new Teensy , USB-C Please.

Which 2 pins would you want to give up to be able to have this?
Indeed, look at a 4.0 and 4.1 ALL the middle ground is used at least once both top and bottom - not to mention the unseen middle layers. The d+ and d- are packed under the connector close to the source - as they need to be for reliable use.
Which 2 pins would you want to give up to be able to have this?
Off the top of my head, how about where the tiny d+ and d- pads are? change them to holes. I know this is a bit of a quick suggestion, and would required removal of the socket to work properly, but if there was a film of insulation over the USB socket it would be isolated from these holes and pins could potentially be soldered from underneath without having to remove the socket? I would personally then remove the socket for my needs and switch to pins. I have tried using the pads (soldering tiny wires destroyed the pads on the t4.1. and the pogo pins are too expensive here). My current solution is a cable cut short and soldered to my PCB which contains the sockets....

Alternatively, if this is for a new teensy 4.x variant; extend the PCB by one pin length.... if that's a possibility, I would like to see a T4.x with some SDRAM like the daisy seed. I am currently working on some ML code that I will most likely have to run on a second board (daisy seed currently top runner) to overcome the memory constraints....

looking at the board, how about adding 2 extra pins to the host connector? it seems like there would be space there next to the USB socket


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'Any chance in 1.60 that we could bump the C++ version from C++17 to C++23? There's been a bunch of progress in the last 7 years :), particularly in regards to constexpr processing.
looking at the board, how about adding
If the board offered a creative place for two pins Paul would find it. Don't forget it is also using the longer USB-C connector so even that room wouldn't be there if a T_4,x were configured for that to fit.
Any chance in 1.60 that we could bump
Note on tool change in Beta thread - IIRC nothing until 1.61 to get this one shipped
Off the top of my head, how about where the tiny d+ and d- pads are? change them to holes.
As this discussion already happened some years ago, I repeat my suggestion to elongate the d+ d- pads to make the more solder friendly. That would IMHO be sufficient for most cases. Through holes invite to complex wiring, reducing possible throughput.
USB C would simplify my designs, and make them more reliable!
You know, true pin access (rather than pads) to the D+/D- data connections would be almost as good. Maybe better! I worry about my pogo pins.