I was working on a project using the Teensy 4.1 and whenever I attempt to utilize the SPI1 or SPI2 peripherals the red program led flashes 9 times (repeating after a small delay). I can't find any documentation on what different blinking patterns indicate so I wanted to check here to see if anyone else has encountered the 9 blink pattern and, if so, what the problem was. I have no problem utilizing SPI0 its just the other two that are giving me the error.
Thank you.
Also, I'm utilizing Rust to program the Teensy, so if no one else has ever encountered the 9-blinking red led the issue may be related to the rust toolchain I'm using (however, I'm pretty sure that's not the issue).
Thank you.
Also, I'm utilizing Rust to program the Teensy, so if no one else has ever encountered the 9-blinking red led the issue may be related to the rust toolchain I'm using (however, I'm pretty sure that's not the issue).