Hello all!
This thread is a new question following this one: https://forum.pjrc.com/index.php?th...rinc429-with-bits-on-two-separate-pins.76239/
I implemented the solution proposed by jmarsh, and it is almost working (code at the end of the post).
Quick sum up: I have a signal (ARINC429) arriving on two different pins: channel A, and channel B. Channel A high and B low means a 1; Channel A low and B high means a 0; both low means no data and both high should not happen. Bits are return to zero encoded (each channel returns to low before the same channel or the other goes high).
The solution proposed by jmarsh is as follows and uses FlexIO. I have two timers (0 and 1) and three shifters (0, 1 and 2).
Timer 0 is simply plugged on FlexIO clock.
Shifter 0 and 1 are in state mode and uses Timer 0: the state represented by the shifter0 is on when both channels are low or when both channels are high; it transitions to state represented by shifter1 when one of the channels (and only one) goes high.
Timer 1 has its trigger set on shifter1 active, decrements on trigger, and compare to 63 (ARINC429 words are 32 bits long), shift clock is set to trigger input.
Shifter 2 is in receive mode, uses Timer 1 and has the Channel A as input.
Everything is almost working as planned except that the first bit in each message is 0 whatever its real value (see screenshots attached).
The state machine is working perfectly, the trigger for Timer1 is generated when one channel goes high or low, I think the issue comes from either the Timer1 or Shifter2.
Indeed, the timer expires (and content of Shifter2 is loaded into the buffer) on the rising of the next message bit, which I think, causes the reading of the channel A to be wrong. I tried to tweak the settings of the Timer1 and Shifter2 but I still can't find the issue.
Have you any idea on how to efficiently debug this problem and maybe correct it?
When I try with 32 bits messages containing only ones (not a valid ARINC message but CRC check will be done later), and reading the
Here is the code:
And logic analyzer outputs:
This thread is a new question following this one: https://forum.pjrc.com/index.php?th...rinc429-with-bits-on-two-separate-pins.76239/
I implemented the solution proposed by jmarsh, and it is almost working (code at the end of the post).
Quick sum up: I have a signal (ARINC429) arriving on two different pins: channel A, and channel B. Channel A high and B low means a 1; Channel A low and B high means a 0; both low means no data and both high should not happen. Bits are return to zero encoded (each channel returns to low before the same channel or the other goes high).
The solution proposed by jmarsh is as follows and uses FlexIO. I have two timers (0 and 1) and three shifters (0, 1 and 2).
Timer 0 is simply plugged on FlexIO clock.
Shifter 0 and 1 are in state mode and uses Timer 0: the state represented by the shifter0 is on when both channels are low or when both channels are high; it transitions to state represented by shifter1 when one of the channels (and only one) goes high.
Timer 1 has its trigger set on shifter1 active, decrements on trigger, and compare to 63 (ARINC429 words are 32 bits long), shift clock is set to trigger input.
Shifter 2 is in receive mode, uses Timer 1 and has the Channel A as input.
Everything is almost working as planned except that the first bit in each message is 0 whatever its real value (see screenshots attached).
The state machine is working perfectly, the trigger for Timer1 is generated when one channel goes high or low, I think the issue comes from either the Timer1 or Shifter2.
Indeed, the timer expires (and content of Shifter2 is loaded into the buffer) on the rising of the next message bit, which I think, causes the reading of the channel A to be wrong. I tried to tweak the settings of the Timer1 and Shifter2 but I still can't find the issue.
Have you any idea on how to efficiently debug this problem and maybe correct it?
When I try with 32 bits messages containing only ones (not a valid ARINC message but CRC check will be done later), and reading the
buffer when FLEXIO2_SHIFTSTAT & (1 << 2)
(by polling, interrupt or DMA will be the problem for another day ), the result I have is "0x7fffffff" i.e. one zero and 31 ones.Thanks!
Here is the code:
// Channel A is plugged in FlexIO2:1 pin (Teensy 4.1 pin 12); Channel B in FlexIO2:0 pin (pin 10)
// Timer0 Configuration
FLEXIO_TIMCTL_PINCFG(0) | // timer pin output disabled
FLEXIO_TIMCTL_TIMOD(3); // timer mode 16bit
// Shifter0 configuration (State0, both channels are low or both are high)
FLEXIO_SHIFTCTL_PINSEL(0) | // Input pins are 0,1,2
FLEXIO_SHIFTCTL_SMOD(6); // State mode
FLEXIO2_SHIFTCFG0 = FLEXIO_SHIFTCFG_PWIDTH(0x1F) | // In state mode FLEXIO2_SHIFTCFG masks output pins.
FLEXIO_SHIFTCFG_SSTOP(3) | FLEXIO_SHIFTCFG_SSTART(3); // We don't need any output pins.
FLEXIO2_SHIFTBUF0 = 0x00048048; // First byte set all output to low (masked via SHIFTCFG anyway)
// Then next states (group of three bits, starting with input = 7 (0b111); ending at input = 0 (0b000))
// are state0 for inputs ending with x11 (should not happen) or x00
// and state1 for inputs ending with x10 or x01
// Shifter 1 configuration (State1, channel A xor channel B is high)
FLEXIO_SHIFTCTL_PINCFG(0) | // Open drain and bidirecitonal output
FLEXIO_SHIFTCTL_PINSEL(0) | // Input pins are 0,1,2
FLEXIO_SHIFTCTL_SMOD(6); // State mode
FLEXIO2_SHIFTCFG1 = FLEXIO_SHIFTCFG_PWIDTH(0x1F) | // In state mode FLEXIO2_SHIFTCFG masks output pins.
FLEXIO_SHIFTCFG_SSTOP(3) | FLEXIO_SHIFTCFG_SSTART(3); // We don't need any output pins.
FLEXIO2_SHIFTBUF1 = 0x00048048; // First byte sets all pins LOW (they are masked via SHIFTCFG anyway).
// Then next states (group of three bits, starting with input = 7 (0b111); ending at input = 0 (0b000))
// are state0 for inputs ending with x11 (should not happen) or x00
// and state1 for inputs ending with x10 or x01
// Timer1 configuration
FLEXIO2_TIMCTL1 = FLEXIO_TIMCTL_TRGSEL(5) | // Set to Shifter 1 status flag : 4*1+1
FLEXIO_TIMCTL_TRGSRC | // Trigger source : internal
FLEXIO_TIMCTL_PINSEL(3) | FLEXIO_TIMCTL_PINCFG(3) | // Output on FlexIO2:3 for debugging purposes
FLEXIO_TIMCTL_TIMOD(3); // Single 16-bit counter
FLEXIO_TIMCFG_TIMDEC(3) | // Decrement on trigger input; shift clock also on trigger input.
FLEXIO_TIMCFG_TIMRST(0) | // Never reset
FLEXIO_TIMCFG_TIMDIS(0) | // Never disabled
FLEXIO_TIMCFG_TIMENA(0) | // Always enabled
FLEXIO_TIMCFG_TSTOP(0); // No stop bit
FLEXIO2_TIMCMP1 = 63; // ARINC "words" are 32 bits wide. But we decrement on both
// Shifter2 configuration
FLEXIO_SHIFTCTL_PINCFG(0) | // output disabled
FLEXIO_SHIFTCTL_PINSEL(1) | // Read pin 1 (flexio2:1, Teensy pin 12, ARINC Channel A)
FLEXIO_SHIFTCTL_SMOD(1); // Receive mode
FLEXIO2_SHIFTCFG2 = FLEXIO_SHIFTCFG_PWIDTH(0) | // Read 1 bit at a time
FLEXIO_SHIFTCFG_SSTOP(0) | // Stop bit disabled
FLEXIO_SHIFTCFG_SSTART(0); // Start bit disabled
And logic analyzer outputs: