Well-known member
Hi guys,
Just wondering about the following. In the past, we've discussed how the DS18B20 is a open collector device, allowing you to power the thing at 5V and communicate at 3.3V (by using a pullup resistor on the data line to 3.3v). Based on the description of the DHT22 (see p.5 here:, it appears that the AM2303 is no different. Thus, would it be possible to power the AM2303 at 5VDC but communicate at 3.3V by pulling up to 3.3V instead of 5V?
Just wondering about the following. In the past, we've discussed how the DS18B20 is a open collector device, allowing you to power the thing at 5V and communicate at 3.3V (by using a pullup resistor on the data line to 3.3v). Based on the description of the DHT22 (see p.5 here:, it appears that the AM2303 is no different. Thus, would it be possible to power the AM2303 at 5VDC but communicate at 3.3V by pulling up to 3.3V instead of 5V?