Optimizing GPIO Input Speed


New member

I would like to input from a GPIO location (specifically GPIO6_PSR, 0x42004008) as quickly as possible and transfer the words read to memory (or cache) uninterrupted. Up to 10,000 words or more may be required. Think of data acquisition in a digital storage oscilloscope, though that is not what this is for.

This is the assembly code loop currently being used:

"ldr r3, [r8] \n\t" // load value of GPIO6_PSR into r3
"str r3, [r9], #4 \n\t" // store value into gpioDataArray and then add 4 bytes to the index
"cmp r9, r10 \n\t" // check loop counter against loop limit
"ble nextdata \n\t" // loop if limit not reached

This works great, but the performance is pathetic given the 600 MHz CPU - around 15 ns for each data point. That's something like 10 or 11 clock cycles.

Unwinding the loop and just creating a block of repeating (ldr/str)s to eliminate the test and branch only improves performance by 10 or 15 percent.

Is there any better way?


--- sam
Maybe I2S / SAI could be abused for this purpose? But you could get at most 4 pins because SAI1 supports up to 4 inputs. In theory it should work up to 25 MHz sample rate, or maybe faster if you're ok with overclocking SAI above its rated specs.

The PDM code in the audio library might be close. It reads the raw bits and put them into a huge FIR filter.