I'm working on a Teensy 4.1-based project with a touch LCD display (among other things) that requires text input from the user. I was planning to use the USB Host connectors on the T4.1 to connect a USB keyboard, but would like to avoid having to plug a keyboard into my project if possible.
I've looking for options/examples including the following and what might be decent options for wireless text entry.....
-A keyboard with a USB Bluetooth dongle plugged into the Teensy 4.1 USB Host Port (wired adapter) directly (not sure what Library may be needed for this)
-A keyboard such as this (https://www.adafruit.com/product/3601) and some sort of Bluetooth add-on to the Teensy via direct IO Pins (my SPI ports are all currently in use)
-My last options is to make an on-screen keypad, but the smaller size of the display (4") makes this a bit tedious to use for typing.
Suggestions and alternatives appreciated, thanks.
I've looking for options/examples including the following and what might be decent options for wireless text entry.....
-A keyboard with a USB Bluetooth dongle plugged into the Teensy 4.1 USB Host Port (wired adapter) directly (not sure what Library may be needed for this)
-A keyboard such as this (https://www.adafruit.com/product/3601) and some sort of Bluetooth add-on to the Teensy via direct IO Pins (my SPI ports are all currently in use)
-My last options is to make an on-screen keypad, but the smaller size of the display (4") makes this a bit tedious to use for typing.
Suggestions and alternatives appreciated, thanks.