Ornament & Crime by Max Stadler (mxmxmx) - replacing Teensy 3.2 w/Teensy 4.x


New member

I bought an unassembled kit for my son we could build together and I'm having a heck of a time getting a Teensy 3.2 board anywhere (without being gouged) and I wondered if anyone had ported the o_C board with a 4.0 (or 4.1) micro and can share the experience?


Thanks for the quick response. I apologize for not referencing you on that project. :) Yes, only one is needed. What did you have in mind?

Matt, ^&O looks like that would do the trick for T4 availability and as a path to squeeze more out of the H/W platform with early access S/W. Although it would be good to have used a T3.2 as a baseline, especially for our first DIY project. :)

Paul, My son is appreciative of the o_C kit I got him and after much review on his part, has settled on wanting to continue this in 3.2 land. Any suggestions? I have a B/O with Mouser, but am not holding out much hope.

If you're building Ornament & Crime for personal use (or in a band performing paid shows... the point being you are the human actually using the synth), email me or Robin directly. You can find our contact info on the PJRC website. You also have it if you just reply to any of the order confirm emails from anything you've ever bought directly from PJRC.

There is no waiting list.

Any help we can give means going to pretty extraordinary measures, so spend some time composing a message that's going to get our attention! At the very least, show us a photo of the O&C bare PCB and other parts you already have and your existing modular synth equipment that O&C's CV outputs will control. If you have any youtube video clips of performances, especially anything showing use of DIY built hardware, even just non-musical gear testing... that is the sort of content that's more likely to inspire us to do something like dip into spare hardware meant to be used in case a PJRC test fixture is damaged.

Again, there is no waiting list. Robin and I do want to help you build Ornament & Crime for awesome synth usage, but we have such limited resources that any help is absolutely not based on any concept like "first come, first serve". You need to contact us directly by email, and not just any quick email, but one with photos that make an impression.