OTA for Teensy 4.0


Hello Team,

We have Teensy 4.0 running with an Android tablet application.
Tablet Application has an Android app, that controls (command/response) the Teensy 4.0.
Tablet Application and Teensy 4.0 are connected through Micro USB on Teensy side - USB C cable.
Tablet is connected to Internet.

We are exploring options to update Software on Teensy with OTA.
- Is it possible to download the Teensy 4.0 firmware on the Tablet and send it over USB to teensy 4.0?

Please let us know if anyone has insights. Thank you.

Tanaji Nalawade
Hello Team,

We have Teensy 4.0 running with an Android tablet application.
Tablet Application has an Android app, that controls (command/response) the Teensy 4.0.
Tablet Application and Teensy 4.0 are connected through Micro USB on Teensy side - USB C cable.
Tablet is connected to Internet.

We are exploring options to update Software on Teensy with OTA.
- Is it possible to download the Teensy 4.0 firmware on the Tablet and send it over USB to teensy 4.0?

Please let us know if anyone has insights. Thank you.

Tanaji Nalawade
Have a look at this.
@BriComp : Thank you for the information.
The update method is to transfer the new firmware to the Teensy via Serial (USB or UART).
We have USB: Raw HID; will it work with it, or do we need to 1st convert RAW HID to serial and the try it?
@BriComp : Thank you for the information.
The update method is to transfer the new firmware to the Teensy via Serial (USB or UART).
We have USB: Raw HID; will it work with it, or do we need to 1st convert RAW HID to serial and the try it?

Yes, FlasherX can work with any method of transferring the new firmware to Teensy. The repository has examples for UART, serial USB, and SD, but it could also be SPI, I2C, Ethernet, etc. Regardless of the method of transfer, the concept is always the same.

1) Define/create a buffer in RAM, PSRAM, or unused Flash
2) Somehow transfer the new firmware to the buffer
3) Execute "move" function to automatically erase old firmware, write new firmware to flash, reboot