You are BAD. ASS.
I was going to give up on this project before I found your forum posts. Now I've ordered an LCD and bought a 5-position switch to play with.
Do you think I should order the Teensy? I'm debating on it because I don't want to spend more money, but it seems like the only microcontroller board small enough to make the pip boy size I want feasible.
Thanks, but I think you're too kind though
Well, I chose the Teensy (when I didn't have this idea yet) because of the posts I read online about Teensy itself, but also the support of the creator(s) & community.
One of the examples is
here in this post, where I am given support in getting the screen to work.
The default code needed some modification and I've been given the push I needed towards the right direction.
Disclaimer: This doesn't automatically mean that things will get fixed for you quickly though, some things take time... but if anybody can help/point in the right direction they will
The other reason I went for the Teensy was the fact that I didn't knew anything about either Arduino or Teensy, so I might as well jump in the deep end.
The code language is pretty much the same, but the hardware itself is more powerful.
Unfortunately a lot is still undocumented, but that will soon change as I understand (website updates, and there is talk on the forum about a community driven Wiki site).
Unless you are in a hurry, you can always get a Teensy when you are 'ready' for it, but if you are like me and are not afraid of a new 'challenge', go for it!
I think you'll be sitting with a big grin just like me, simply because you got something working which was 'magic' a few days/weeks ago
Ofcourse, keep in mind that it is all electronics, and that you might blow up something along the way.
I haven't so far, but if someday smoke comes from my Teensy or one of the other parts, I won't cry about it, I'll order new ones and isolate the problem to prevent it in the future.
Don't be afraid to learn from a bad experience
Concidering the size of the Teensy, it is quite perfect for things like this, here is an image I made when I received it
(the OV-chipkaart is regular creditcard size)
The last thing I want to mention is something that I used to tell my customers when I still worked at a helpdesk:
Before you buy anything, look around on the market which product suits you best.
I can tell you a million things about how wonderful it is, but it might not meet your expectations.
In case you are still interested in the Teensy, I would point to
this link, which contains a nice writeup on the Teensy 3.0.
Ofcourse, I can't tell you to buy something or not, you have to decide that for yourself, but I hope my thoughts help a bit
P.S. Sorry about the long posts each time, it appears I don't know how to give a short answer anymore :x