PJRC Website Speed & Reliability, Feedback Wanted?

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Nope, none. I have an incredibly long written list of small and large software developments planned for Teensy. Gaming the spammers just isn't anywhere on my list.

Ideally, some of these developments will help sell more Teensys. I'd much rather focus on that, and if necessary, use some of the money to simply upgrade the server to insanely overkill specs if this becomes a problem again. It's actually relatively cheap to get a pretty amazing dedicated server these days.
I also noticed the site not being accessible from time to time. I'll report here when I see this happening again.
Are the forum notices working properly? I've not been getting notices for subscribed threads. I tried unsubscribing/resubscribing to one of the threads to see if it fixes it. I'm wondering if I should unsubscribe everything and re-add it.
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