Today I've mounted the audio board on the Teensy 3.2 that I have received.
After having tried some skecth examples everything seems to be working fine.
Now my project is to build a small MIDI sampler, let's say a MIDI instrument that plays/records samples.
So from the example sketch I know I can play samples at their origin speed (or pitch), now I would like to go further and trigger samples by playing notes by MIDI on my master keyboard.
And of course I would like to be able to play a sample on different notes (at different speeds). The AudioPlaySdWav object has a "play" method, is there a way to change the pitch ?
Let's say by assigning a root note (for the origin speed), for example C3 and then change the pitch according to the MIDI note received.
It would be great to be able to loop a sample too
Noob question : what is controlling the optional pot ? I've soldered one but it doesn't adjust the volume level on the minijack output (level which is set in the sketch, that could explain)
Thanks and regards
Today I've mounted the audio board on the Teensy 3.2 that I have received.
After having tried some skecth examples everything seems to be working fine.
Now my project is to build a small MIDI sampler, let's say a MIDI instrument that plays/records samples.
So from the example sketch I know I can play samples at their origin speed (or pitch), now I would like to go further and trigger samples by playing notes by MIDI on my master keyboard.
And of course I would like to be able to play a sample on different notes (at different speeds). The AudioPlaySdWav object has a "play" method, is there a way to change the pitch ?
Let's say by assigning a root note (for the origin speed), for example C3 and then change the pitch according to the MIDI note received.
It would be great to be able to loop a sample too
Noob question : what is controlling the optional pot ? I've soldered one but it doesn't adjust the volume level on the minijack output (level which is set in the sketch, that could explain)
Thanks and regards