On MTP_Teensy, the mtp_tft_picture_view.ino example's comments list 3 other libraries it needs. Maybe more are needed, for FT5206.h and RA8876_t3.h ?
This sketch is setup, to allow you display images on a display, and is setup to use MTP, such that you can for example install new image files
to be displayed or removed from the storage using MTP.
It was setup and at one point tested on many different display drivers that several of us work on, including:
ones installed by Teensyduino: ILI9341_t3, ST7735_t3.h (7789 as well), ILI9488_t3 RA8875
As well as several others, that are not part of Teensydino, that some of us play with:
ILI9341_t3n, RA8876_t3.h
The current checked in version was setup for RA8876 as I believe some of us were checking out the
update version of
@wwatson library, which is setup now 3 libraries (a GFX, SPI, 8080),
Yes the comments mention a few optional libraries, that allow us to display Jpegs as well as PNG files
Note: Some of the mentioned display libraries actually have their own version of this example, which only has that displays
code in it. And this library has a simplified version which only supports the limited library ili9341_t3.
I updated this sketch to not define the usage of RA8876 so it now will default back to ILI9341_t3 as well.