I made a circuit board that houses both a Teensey 4.1 and Raspberry Pi. The board also has power inputs for 5V and Ground. When I power up the circuit board, both devices switch on and work correctly. They should be able to talk to one another. I have set the Raspberry Pi set to communicate via serial to the Teensey 4.1. I wish to power the circuit board via my external power supply AND (at the same time) connect a USB cable to the Teensey 4.1. This way, I can download programs to the Teensey 4.1 (for testing) and then soon after open a terminal program on the Raspberri pi to communicate with the Teensey (send a command).
I will make sure that the Raspberry Pi does not have the serial port open for when I am programming the Teensey/using the USB cable.
My question is this.... will the USB connection cause the smoke to come out of anything when the board is powered externally? Is there a diode that not cause my connected PC to be back fed with power from my external power supply?
On the circuit board, the 5Volt line from the Teensey is also connected to the Raspberry Pi (as well as my power supply).
Please advise,
I made a circuit board that houses both a Teensey 4.1 and Raspberry Pi. The board also has power inputs for 5V and Ground. When I power up the circuit board, both devices switch on and work correctly. They should be able to talk to one another. I have set the Raspberry Pi set to communicate via serial to the Teensey 4.1. I wish to power the circuit board via my external power supply AND (at the same time) connect a USB cable to the Teensey 4.1. This way, I can download programs to the Teensey 4.1 (for testing) and then soon after open a terminal program on the Raspberri pi to communicate with the Teensey (send a command).
I will make sure that the Raspberry Pi does not have the serial port open for when I am programming the Teensey/using the USB cable.
My question is this.... will the USB connection cause the smoke to come out of anything when the board is powered externally? Is there a diode that not cause my connected PC to be back fed with power from my external power supply?
On the circuit board, the 5Volt line from the Teensey is also connected to the Raspberry Pi (as well as my power supply).
Please advise,