problem with 4.0

This error from msg #16 (edit: and now also msg #24) means you're still missing files that need to be installed on your PC.

C:\Users\iandi\Documents\Arduino\audio-guestbook-main\audio-guestbook\audio-guestbook.ino:30:24: fatal error: MTP_Teensy.h: No such file or directory

Hopefully now that you have experienced the way Arduino IDE and Teensy Loader communicate with your Teensy, you can understand this error is not a communication problem with the hardware. It isn't anything at all about the Teensy hardware or the SD card. It is only about files not properly installed on your PC.

We can try to help you find and install those files.
i was meaning i cant see the sd card on my computer when i plug the usb into the teensy 4.0 if i take the sd card out plug directly into lappy it fine
You can get the MTP files from here.
Do you know what version of Teensyduino you are running?
The above code needs Teensyduino vs 1.57 or later. to where to put them...

Your programs/sketches (whatever you wish to call them) are stored in the directory C:\Users\iandi\Documents\Arduino\.
Libraries, which is what MTP_Teensy is, are stored in a directory called Libraries within the above C:\Users\iandi\Documents\Arduino\Libraries\.

Having downloaded the MTP_Teensy file, you will see that it is a .zip file.

Fortunately with Windows you can double click on that .zip file and copy thee contents to the Arduino Library directory.

You can this by above by DOUBLE CLICKING on the file.
Now RIGHT CLICK on MTP_Teensy-main and select Copy from the menu.
Now move to C:\Users\iandi\Documents\Arduino\Libraries\ and RIGHT CLICK on some WHITE SPACE and select Paste from the menu.
Now the MTP_Teensy library will be in the C:\Users\iandi\Documents\Arduino\Libraries\ directory.
If you find MTP_Teensy inside a "libraries" folder, don't make the mistake of dragging that libraries onto the libraries inside Documents/Arduino. Doing so will result a libraries folder inside the libraries folder. In other words, you would end up with C:\Users\iandi\Documents\Arduino\libraries\libraries\MTP_Teensy. Arduino will get confused, because every folder inside libraries is supposed to be an actual library, not another libraries folder with more libraries folders inside it. The final result should look like C:\Users\iandi\Documents\Arduino\libraries\MTP_Teensy.
Last edited:
So it should look something like this (click on the image to enlarge it...):

I've done some improvements on the documentation, which you can find at

If you want to give that a go, but find anything that still needs further explanation, do come back here and ask. Once it's clear, I'll see if the original author will pull it into his repository to help others in the future!
getting this message now
Arduino: 1.8.19 (Windows 10), TD: 1.57-beta1, Board: "Teensy 4.0, MTP Disk (Experimental), 600 MHz, Faster, US English"

C:\Users\iandi\Documents\Arduino\audio-guestbook\audio-guestbook.ino:49:1: error: 'AudioPlaySdWavX' does not name a type

 AudioPlaySdWavX              playWav1; // Play 44.1kHz 16-bit PCM greeting WAV file


C:\Users\iandi\Documents\Arduino\audio-guestbook\audio-guestbook.ino:54:28: error: 'playWav1' was not declared in this scope

 AudioConnection patchCord3(playWav1, 0, mixer, 1); // wav file playback mixer


C:\Users\iandi\Documents\Arduino\audio-guestbook\audio-guestbook.ino: In function 'void loop()':

C:\Users\iandi\Documents\Arduino\audio-guestbook\audio-guestbook.ino:185:7: error: 'playWav1' was not declared in this scope"greeting.wav");    


C:\Users\iandi\Documents\Arduino\audio-guestbook\audio-guestbook.ino: In function 'void playAllRecordings()':

C:\Users\iandi\Documents\Arduino\audio-guestbook\audio-guestbook.ino:374:7: error: 'playWav1' was not declared in this scope;


C:\Users\iandi\Documents\Arduino\audio-guestbook\audio-guestbook.ino:380:13: error: 'playWav1' was not declared in this scope

     while (!playWav1.isStopped()) { // this works for playWav


C:\Users\iandi\Documents\Arduino\audio-guestbook\audio-guestbook.ino: In function 'void playLastRecording()':

C:\Users\iandi\Documents\Arduino\audio-guestbook\audio-guestbook.ino:411:7: error: 'playWav1' was not declared in this scope;


Multiple libraries were found for "SD.h"

 Used: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SD

 Not used: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\SD

Error compiling for board Teensy 4.0.

Invalid library found in C:\Users\iandi\Documents\Arduino\libraries\examples: no headers files (.h) found in C:\Users\iandi\Documents\Arduino\libraries\examples

This report would have more information with
"Show verbose output during compilation"
option enabled in File -> Preferences.
Looks like you copied everything that was inside the original MTP_Teensy folder to the Documents/Arduino/libraries folder. But you should have copied the MTP_Teensy folder (with all of its contents) to Documents/Arduino/libraries.

To recover, delete all that stuff you copied over. Then try again. Drag the MTP_Teensy folder over, so inside Documents/Arduino/libraries you will see a single MTP_Teensy folder, and inside it has all this stuff.

Checking your screen against the image in msg #34 might also be a good way to make sure you got it right.
A few things:
  • please refer to Paul's post and the image I posted to make sure the MTP_Teensy library is in EXACTLY the right path - your image shows that it isn't
  • double-check you have downloaded and not modified the latest code from
  • please ensure your unzipped audio-guestbook folder contains ALL the files from the .ZIP you downloaded

:D cross-post with Paul!
Oh dear, I have just compiled the copy I downloaded to my PC without any error.
Do you have this line in your code: #include "play_sd_wav.h" // local copy with fixes?
I have just commented it out on my copy and get exactly the same error as you are experiencing.
The line in question should be around line 31.

The code below is what the start of my program look like.
 * Audio Guestbook, Copyright (c) 2022 Playful Technology
 * Tested using a Teensy 4.0 with Teensy Audio Shield, although should work 
 * with minor modifications on other similar hardware
 * When handset is lifted, a pre-recorded greeting message is played, followed by a tone.
 * Then, recording starts, and continues until the handset is replaced.
 * Playback button allows all messages currently saved on SD card through earpiece 
 * Files are saved on SD card as 44.1kHz, 16-bit, mono signed integer RAW audio format 
 * --> changed this to WAV recording, DD4WH 2022_07_31
 * --> added MTP support, which enables copying WAV files from the SD card via the USB connection, DD4WH 2022_08_01
 * Frank DD4WH, August 1st 2022 
 * for a DBP 611 telephone (closed contact when handheld is lifted) & with recording to WAV file
 * contact for switch button 0 is closed when handheld is lifted
 * GNU GPL v3.0 license

#include <Bounce.h>
#include <Audio.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SD.h>
#include <TimeLib.h>
#include <MTP_Teensy.h>
#include "play_sd_wav.h" // local copy with fixes
Probably OK ... hard to tell without seeing the full path to the folder and a glimpse of its contents. It doesn't need the -main on the end, but I think it doesn't hurt, either.
getting this now moved the files and folders like u said

Arduino: 1.8.19 (Windows 10), TD: 1.57-beta1, Board: "Teensy 4.0, MTP Disk (Experimental), 600 MHz, Faster, US English"

C:\Users\iandi\Documents\Arduino\audio-guestbook-main\audio-guestbook\audio-guestbook.ino:49:1: error: 'AudioPlaySdWavX' does not name a type

 AudioPlaySdWavX              playWav1; // Play 44.1kHz 16-bit PCM greeting WAV file


C:\Users\iandi\Documents\Arduino\audio-guestbook-main\audio-guestbook\audio-guestbook.ino:54:28: error: 'playWav1' was not declared in this scope

 AudioConnection patchCord3(playWav1, 0, mixer, 1); // wav file playback mixer


C:\Users\iandi\Documents\Arduino\audio-guestbook-main\audio-guestbook\audio-guestbook.ino: In function 'void loop()':

C:\Users\iandi\Documents\Arduino\audio-guestbook-main\audio-guestbook\audio-guestbook.ino:185:7: error: 'playWav1' was not declared in this scope"greeting.wav");    


C:\Users\iandi\Documents\Arduino\audio-guestbook-main\audio-guestbook\audio-guestbook.ino: In function 'void playAllRecordings()':

C:\Users\iandi\Documents\Arduino\audio-guestbook-main\audio-guestbook\audio-guestbook.ino:374:7: error: 'playWav1' was not declared in this scope;


C:\Users\iandi\Documents\Arduino\audio-guestbook-main\audio-guestbook\audio-guestbook.ino:380:13: error: 'playWav1' was not declared in this scope

     while (!playWav1.isStopped()) { // this works for playWav


C:\Users\iandi\Documents\Arduino\audio-guestbook-main\audio-guestbook\audio-guestbook.ino: In function 'void playLastRecording()':

C:\Users\iandi\Documents\Arduino\audio-guestbook-main\audio-guestbook\audio-guestbook.ino:411:7: error: 'playWav1' was not declared in this scope;


Multiple libraries were found for "SD.h"

 Used: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\teensy\avr\libraries\SD

 Not used: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\SD

Error compiling for board Teensy 4.0.

This report would have more information with
"Show verbose output during compilation"
option enabled in File -> Preferences.
 * Audio Guestbook, Copyright (c) 2022 Playful Technology
 * Tested using a Teensy 4.0 with Teensy Audio Shield, although should work 
 * with minor modifications on other similar hardware
 * When handset is lifted, a pre-recorded greeting message is played, followed by a tone.
 * Then, recording starts, and continues until the handset is replaced.
 * Playback button allows all messages currently saved on SD card through earpiece 
 * Files are saved on SD card as 44.1kHz, 16-bit, mono signed integer RAW audio format 
 * --> changed this to WAV recording, DD4WH 2022_07_31
 * --> added MTP support, which enables copying WAV files from the SD card via the USB connection, DD4WH 2022_08_01
 * Frank DD4WH, August 1st 2022 
 * for a DBP 611 telephone (closed contact when handheld is lifted) & with recording to WAV file
 * contact for switch button 0 is closed when handheld is lifted
 * GNU GPL v3.0 license

#include <Bounce.h>
#include <Audio.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SD.h>
#include <TimeLib.h>
#include <MTP_Teensy.h>
#include "play_sd_wav.h" // local copy with fixes?

// Define pins used by Teensy Audio Shield
#define SDCARD_CS_PIN    10
#define SDCARD_MOSI_PIN  7
#define SDCARD_SCK_PIN   14
// And those used for inputs
#define HOOK_PIN 0


// Audio initialisation code can be generated using the GUI interface at
// Inputs
AudioSynthWaveform          waveform1; // To create the "beep" sfx
AudioInputI2S               i2s2; // I2S input from microphone on audio shield
AudioPlaySdWavX              playWav1; // Play 44.1kHz 16-bit PCM greeting WAV file
AudioRecordQueue            queue1; // Creating an audio buffer in memory before saving to SD
AudioMixer4                 mixer; // Allows merging several inputs to same output
AudioOutputI2S              i2s1; // I2S interface to Speaker/Line Out on Audio shield
AudioConnection patchCord1(waveform1, 0, mixer, 0); // wave to mixer 
AudioConnection patchCord3(playWav1, 0, mixer, 1); // wav file playback mixer
AudioConnection patchCord4(mixer, 0, i2s1, 0); // mixer output to speaker (L)
AudioConnection patchCord6(mixer, 0, i2s1, 1); // mixer output to speaker (R)
AudioConnection patchCord5(i2s2, 0, queue1, 0); // mic input to queue (L)
AudioControlSGTL5000      sgtl5000_1;

// Filename to save audio recording on SD card
char filename[15];
// The file object itself
File frec;

// Use long 40ms debounce time on both switches
Bounce buttonRecord = Bounce(HOOK_PIN, 40);
Bounce buttonPlay = Bounce(PLAYBACK_BUTTON_PIN, 40);

// Keep track of current state of the device
enum Mode {Initialising, Ready, Prompting, Recording, Playing};
Mode mode = Mode::Initialising;

float beep_volume = 0.04f; // not too loud :-)

uint32_t MTPcheckInterval; // default value of device check interval [ms]

// variables for writing to WAV file
unsigned long ChunkSize = 0L;
unsigned long Subchunk1Size = 16;
unsigned int AudioFormat = 1;
unsigned int numChannels = 1;
unsigned long sampleRate = 44100;
unsigned int bitsPerSample = 16;
unsigned long byteRate = sampleRate*numChannels*(bitsPerSample/8);// samplerate x channels x (bitspersample / 8)
unsigned int blockAlign = numChannels*bitsPerSample/8;
unsigned long Subchunk2Size = 0L;
unsigned long recByteSaved = 0L;
unsigned long NumSamples = 0L;
byte byte1, byte2, byte3, byte4;

void setup() {

  while (!Serial && millis() < 5000) {
    // wait for serial port to connect.
  Serial.println("Serial set up correctly");
  Serial.printf("Audio block set to %d samples\n",AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES);
  // Configure the input pins

  // Audio connections require memory, and the record queue
  // uses this memory to buffer incoming audio.

  // Enable the audio shield, select input, and enable output
  // Define which input on the audio shield to use (AUDIO_INPUT_LINEIN / AUDIO_INPUT_MIC)
  //sgtl5000_1.adcHighPassFilterDisable(); //

  mixer.gain(0, 1.0f);
  mixer.gain(1, 1.0f);

  // Play a beep to indicate system is online
  waveform1.begin(beep_volume, 440, WAVEFORM_SINE);

  // Initialize the SD card
  if (!(SD.begin(SDCARD_CS_PIN))) 
    // stop here if no SD card, but print a message
    while (1) {
      Serial.println("Unable to access the SD card");
    else Serial.println("SD card correctly initialized");

  // mandatory to begin the MTP session.

  // Add SD Card
//    MTP.addFilesystem(SD, "SD Card");
    MTP.addFilesystem(SD, "Kais Audio guestbook"); // choose a nice name for the SD card volume to appear in your file explorer
    Serial.println("Added SD card via MTP");
    MTPcheckInterval =>get_DeltaDeviceCheckTimeMS();
    // Value in dB
//  sgtl5000_1.micGain(15);
  sgtl5000_1.micGain(5); // much lower gain is required for the AOM5024 electret capsule

  // Synchronise the Time object used in the program code with the RTC time provider.
  // See
  // Define a callback that will assign the correct datetime for any file system operations
  // (i.e. saving a new audio recording onto the SD card)

  mode = Mode::Ready; print_mode();

void loop() {
  // First, read the buttons

    case Mode::Ready:
      // Falling edge occurs when the handset is lifted --> 611 telephone
      if (buttonRecord.fallingEdge()) {
        Serial.println("Handset lifted");
        mode = Mode::Prompting; print_mode();
      else if(buttonPlay.fallingEdge()) {

    case Mode::Prompting:
      // Wait a second for users to put the handset to their ear
      // Play the greeting inviting them to record their message"greeting.wav");    
      // Wait until the  message has finished playing
//      while (playWav1.isPlaying()) {
      while (!playWav1.isStopped()) {
        // Check whether the handset is replaced
        // Handset is replaced
        if(buttonRecord.risingEdge()) {
          mode = Mode::Ready; print_mode();
        if(buttonPlay.fallingEdge()) {
      // Debug message
      Serial.println("Starting Recording");
      // Play the tone sound effect
      waveform1.begin(beep_volume, 440, WAVEFORM_SINE);
      // Start the recording function

    case Mode::Recording:
      // Handset is replaced
        // Debug log
        Serial.println("Stopping Recording");
        // Stop recording
        // Play audio tone to confirm recording has ended
      else {

    case Mode::Playing: // to make compiler happy

    case Mode::Initialising: // to make compiler happy
  MTP.loop();  // This is mandatory to be placed in the loop code.

void setMTPdeviceChecks(bool nable)
  if (nable)
  {>set_DeltaDeviceCheckTimeMS((uint32_t) -1);
  Serial.println("abled MTP storage device checks");

static uint32_t worstSDwrite, printNext;
#endif // defined(INSTRUMENT_SD_WRITE)

void startRecording() {
  setMTPdeviceChecks(false); // disable MTP device checks while recording
  worstSDwrite = 0;
  printNext = 0;
#endif // defined(INSTRUMENT_SD_WRITE)
  // Find the first available file number
//  for (uint8_t i=0; i<9999; i++) { // BUGFIX uint8_t overflows if it reaches 255  
  for (uint16_t i=0; i<9999; i++) {   
    // Format the counter as a five-digit number with leading zeroes, followed by file extension
    snprintf(filename, 11, " %05d.wav", i);
    // Create if does not exist, do not open existing, write, sync after write
    if (!SD.exists(filename)) {
  frec =, FILE_WRITE);
  Serial.println("Opened file !");
  if(frec) {
    Serial.print("Recording to ");
    mode = Mode::Recording; print_mode();
    recByteSaved = 0L;
  else {
    Serial.println("Couldn't open file to record!");

void continueRecording() {
  uint32_t started = micros();
#endif // defined(INSTRUMENT_SD_WRITE)
#define NBLOX 16  
  // Check if there is data in the queue
  if (queue1.available() >= NBLOX) {
    byte buffer[NBLOX*AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES*sizeof(int16_t)];
    // Fetch 2 blocks from the audio library and copy
    // into a 512 byte buffer.  The Arduino SD library
    // is most efficient when full 512 byte sector size
    // writes are used.
    for (int i=0;i<NBLOX;i++)
      memcpy(buffer+i*AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES*sizeof(int16_t), queue1.readBuffer(), AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES*sizeof(int16_t));
    // Write all 512 bytes to the SD card
    frec.write(buffer, sizeof buffer);
    recByteSaved += sizeof buffer;
  started = micros() - started;
  if (started > worstSDwrite)
    worstSDwrite = started;

  if (millis() >= printNext)
    Serial.printf("Worst write took %luus\n",worstSDwrite);
    worstSDwrite = 0;
    printNext = millis()+250;
#endif // defined(INSTRUMENT_SD_WRITE)

void stopRecording() {
  // Stop adding any new data to the queue
  // Flush all existing remaining data from the queue
  while (queue1.available() > 0) {
    // Save to open file
    frec.write((byte*)queue1.readBuffer(), AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES*sizeof(int16_t));
    recByteSaved += AUDIO_BLOCK_SAMPLES*sizeof(int16_t);
  // Close the file
  Serial.println("Closed file");
  mode = Mode::Ready; print_mode();
  setMTPdeviceChecks(true); // enable MTP device checks, recording is finished

void playAllRecordings() {
  // Recording files are saved in the root directory
  File dir ="/");
  while (true) {
    File entry =  dir.openNextFile();
    if (strstr(, "greeting"))
       entry =  dir.openNextFile();
    if (!entry) {
      // no more files
    //int8_t len = strlen( - 4;
//    if (strstr(strlwr( + (len - 4)), ".raw")) {
//    if (strstr(strlwr( + (len - 4)), ".wav")) {
    // the lines above throw a warning, so I replace them with this (which is also easier to read):
    if (strstr(, ".wav") || strstr(, ".WAV")) {
      Serial.print("Now playing ");
      // Play a short beep before each message
      // Play the file;
      mode = Mode::Playing; print_mode();

//    while (playWav1.isPlaying()) { // strangely enough, this works for playRaw, but it does not work properly for playWav
    while (!playWav1.isStopped()) { // this works for playWav
      // Button is pressed again
//      if(buttonPlay.risingEdge() || buttonRecord.risingEdge()) { // FIX
      if(buttonPlay.fallingEdge() || buttonRecord.risingEdge()) { 
        mode = Mode::Ready; print_mode();
  // All files have been played
  mode = Mode::Ready; print_mode();

void playLastRecording() {
  // Find the first available file number
  uint16_t idx = 0; 
  for (uint16_t i=0; i<9999; i++) {
    // Format the counter as a five-digit number with leading zeroes, followed by file extension
    snprintf(filename, 11, " %05d.wav", i);
    // check, if file with index i exists
    if (!SD.exists(filename)) {
     idx = i - 1;
      // now play file with index idx == last recorded file
      snprintf(filename, 11, " %05d.wav", idx);
      mode = Mode::Playing; print_mode();
      while (!playWav1.isStopped()) { // this works for playWav
      // Button is pressed again
//      if(buttonPlay.risingEdge() || buttonRecord.risingEdge()) { // FIX
      if(buttonPlay.fallingEdge() || buttonRecord.risingEdge()) {
        mode = Mode::Ready; print_mode();
      // file has been played
  mode = Mode::Ready; print_mode();  

// Retrieve the current time from Teensy built-in RTC
time_t getTeensy3Time(){
  return Teensy3Clock.get();

// Callback to assign timestamps for file system operations
void dateTime(uint16_t* date, uint16_t* time, uint8_t* ms10) {

  // Return date using FS_DATE macro to format fields.
  *date = FS_DATE(year(), month(), day());

  // Return time using FS_TIME macro to format fields.
  *time = FS_TIME(hour(), minute(), second());

  // Return low time bits in units of 10 ms.
  *ms10 = second() & 1 ? 100 : 0;

// Non-blocking delay, which pauses execution of main program logic,
// but while still listening for input 
void wait(unsigned int milliseconds) {
  elapsedMillis msec=0;

  while (msec <= milliseconds) {
    if (buttonRecord.fallingEdge()) Serial.println("Button (pin 0) Press");
    if (buttonPlay.fallingEdge()) Serial.println("Button (pin 1) Press");
    if (buttonRecord.risingEdge()) Serial.println("Button (pin 0) Release");
    if (buttonPlay.risingEdge()) Serial.println("Button (pin 1) Release");

void writeOutHeader() { // update WAV header with final filesize/datasize

//  NumSamples = (recByteSaved*8)/bitsPerSample/numChannels;
//  Subchunk2Size = NumSamples*numChannels*bitsPerSample/8; // number of samples x number of channels x number of bytes per sample
  Subchunk2Size = recByteSaved - 42; // because we didn't make space for the header to start with! Lose 21 samples...
  ChunkSize = Subchunk2Size + 34; // was 36;;
  byte1 = ChunkSize & 0xff;
  byte2 = (ChunkSize >> 8) & 0xff;
  byte3 = (ChunkSize >> 16) & 0xff;
  byte4 = (ChunkSize >> 24) & 0xff;  
  frec.write(byte1);  frec.write(byte2);  frec.write(byte3);  frec.write(byte4);
  frec.write("fmt ");
  byte1 = Subchunk1Size & 0xff;
  byte2 = (Subchunk1Size >> 8) & 0xff;
  byte3 = (Subchunk1Size >> 16) & 0xff;
  byte4 = (Subchunk1Size >> 24) & 0xff;  
  frec.write(byte1);  frec.write(byte2);  frec.write(byte3);  frec.write(byte4);
  byte1 = AudioFormat & 0xff;
  byte2 = (AudioFormat >> 8) & 0xff;
  frec.write(byte1);  frec.write(byte2); 
  byte1 = numChannels & 0xff;
  byte2 = (numChannels >> 8) & 0xff;
  frec.write(byte1);  frec.write(byte2); 
  byte1 = sampleRate & 0xff;
  byte2 = (sampleRate >> 8) & 0xff;
  byte3 = (sampleRate >> 16) & 0xff;
  byte4 = (sampleRate >> 24) & 0xff;  
  frec.write(byte1);  frec.write(byte2);  frec.write(byte3);  frec.write(byte4);
  byte1 = byteRate & 0xff;
  byte2 = (byteRate >> 8) & 0xff;
  byte3 = (byteRate >> 16) & 0xff;
  byte4 = (byteRate >> 24) & 0xff;  
  frec.write(byte1);  frec.write(byte2);  frec.write(byte3);  frec.write(byte4);
  byte1 = blockAlign & 0xff;
  byte2 = (blockAlign >> 8) & 0xff;
  frec.write(byte1);  frec.write(byte2); 
  byte1 = bitsPerSample & 0xff;
  byte2 = (bitsPerSample >> 8) & 0xff;
  frec.write(byte1);  frec.write(byte2); 
  byte1 = Subchunk2Size & 0xff;
  byte2 = (Subchunk2Size >> 8) & 0xff;
  byte3 = (Subchunk2Size >> 16) & 0xff;
  byte4 = (Subchunk2Size >> 24) & 0xff;  
  frec.write(byte1);  frec.write(byte2);  frec.write(byte3);  frec.write(byte4);
  Serial.println("header written"); 
  Serial.print("Subchunk2: "); 

void end_Beep(void) {

void print_mode(void) { // only for debugging
  Serial.print("Mode switched to: ");
  // Initialising, Ready, Prompting, Recording, Playing
  if(mode == Mode::Ready)           Serial.println(" Ready");
  else if(mode == Mode::Prompting)  Serial.println(" Prompting");
  else if(mode == Mode::Recording)  Serial.println(" Recording");
  else if(mode == Mode::Playing)    Serial.println(" Playing");
  else if(mode == Mode::Initialising)  Serial.println(" Initialising");
  else Serial.println(" Undefined");
Ok, look to see if the files play_sd_wav.h and play_sd_wav.cpp are in your audio-guestbook directory.
Oh dear, I have just compiled the copy I downloaded to my PC without any error.
Do you have this line in your code: #include "play_sd_wav.h" // local copy with fixes?
I have just commented it out on my copy and get exactly the same error as you are experiencing.
The line in question should be around line 31.

The code below is what the start of my program look like.
 * Audio Guestbook, Copyright (c) 2022 Playful Technology
 * Tested using a Teensy 4.0 with Teensy Audio Shield, although should work 
 * with minor modifications on other similar hardware
 * When handset is lifted, a pre-recorded greeting message is played, followed by a tone.
 * Then, recording starts, and continues until the handset is replaced.
 * Playback button allows all messages currently saved on SD card through earpiece 
 * Files are saved on SD card as 44.1kHz, 16-bit, mono signed integer RAW audio format 
 * --> changed this to WAV recording, DD4WH 2022_07_31
 * --> added MTP support, which enables copying WAV files from the SD card via the USB connection, DD4WH 2022_08_01
 * Frank DD4WH, August 1st 2022 
 * for a DBP 611 telephone (closed contact when handheld is lifted) & with recording to WAV file
 * contact for switch button 0 is closed when handheld is lifted
 * GNU GPL v3.0 license

#include <Bounce.h>
#include <Audio.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SD.h>
#include <TimeLib.h>
#include <MTP_Teensy.h>
#include "play_sd_wav.h" // local copy with fixes
My post#38, second and third bullet points ... your posted code has been modified, though not actually in an important way (someone added a question mark after the line @BriComp highlighted). More important, it looks as if the carefully modified play_sd_wav.cpp and play_sd_wav.h are no longer in the sketch folder. It appears that Arduino somehow glosses over the loss of play_sd_wav.h, probably by including the file of the same name from the Audio library, but as a consequence can't find the definition for the AudioPlaySdWavX class.
Copy ALL THE FILES, but NOT the audio-guestbook directory and paste them INTO the audio-guestbook directory.
no error message now but gotta amplify it all as cant hear message or bleep and very quite on play back
Glad you got it to compile. I guess now you know how data and directories are arranged for programs/sketches and libraries.

How are you trying to listen to the sounds?