Programming a Teensy 4.1 from a .hex file stored on an SD card


Is there a way to program the Teensy from SD card? Say, if I copy a .hex file to the SD card and whether the boot loader pgm can read that .hex file and write it to the flash memory?
I have used flasherX. I am getting the error
abort - new code missing string fw_teensy41 while checking the device_id which is fw_teensy41
But when I use the FlasherX's .hex itself, I am not getting the above error and here the print is new code contains correct target ID fw_teensy41.
Please help on what I am missing here.
Hi Arun.
I have not used FlasherEx but looking at the forum I know lots of people have fount it useful.
I believe you have to have the Text identifying your target in the new code. Something like Serial.print("teensy4.1"); would suffice.
You just have to be careful that the compiler does not optimise out the code assigning the "teensy4.1" string.
Hi Arun.
I have not used FlasherEx but looking at the forum I know lots of people have fount it useful.
I believe you have to have the Text identifying your target in the new code. Something like Serial.print("teensy4.1"); would suffice.
You just have to be careful that the compiler does not optimise out the code assigning the "teensy4.1" string.

@BriComp is correct. FlasherX will not overwrite existing firmware unless the new firmware contains a text constant from header file FlashTxx.h. The idea is that FlasherX will only install new firmware that was built for the target. For Teensy 4.1, the string is "fw_teensy41". He is also correct that your code should print the text string, because if your code doesn't somehow use the string, the compiler/linker will optimize it out.