Q on FreeRTOS port

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Well-known member
I assume it's my error, but I cannot get my program to reflect a change in the ARM version's library, FreeRTOSConfig.h.
I changed the below from 1000 to 100
#define configTICK_RATE_HZ     ( ( portTickType ) 100 ) // <<<< CHANGED, was 1000
and exited/reentered Arduino so that libraries would be rescanned, recompiled. The constant I changed, above, is saved OK in the file (admin mode editor).
And I see in the build history that port.o was recreated. That's where the changed constant is used to calculate the timer reload value - at line 510 of port.c which is:
(two semicolons is an unimportant typo in the source)

The timer rate seems to stay at 1000. My program prints out the configTICK_RATE_HZ as 100, which is what I changed it to. But the hardware timer doesn't seem to reflect the change.

As I understand, if I exit/close the project, and reenter, the library files will be recompiled and that would include port.c.

If this is my error, apologies, but I posted here as I'm out of ideas. The bigger issue than the above is my attempt to change FreeRTOSConfig.h to disable preemption - that is more important and it may have the same issue.
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