Senior Member+
Or you could do, what I do way too often, is to leave the useful information to the imagination of the would-be readers 
Often when I do the little bit I do, I look at some of the pages up on github, like:
Also there were a few pages/web sites out there that talk about github specif differences like:

Often when I do the little bit I do, I look at some of the pages up on github, like:

Basic writing and formatting syntax - GitHub Docs
Create sophisticated formatting for your prose and code on GitHub with simple syntax.

Also there were a few pages/web sites out there that talk about github specif differences like:
GitHub - im-luka/markdown-cheatsheet: ⬇️ The only Markdown Cheatsheet you will ever need to raise your docs to the next level. PDF included.
⬇️ The only Markdown Cheatsheet you will ever need to raise your docs to the next level. PDF included. - im-luka/markdown-cheatsheet

Github markdown cheat sheet: Everything you need to know to write README.MD
Markdown Syntax to write README.md file