RA8876 Parallel Display Library Testing

Or you could do, what I do way too often, is to leave the useful information to the imagination of the would-be readers 😉

Often when I do the little bit I do, I look at some of the pages up on github, like:

Also there were a few pages/web sites out there that talk about github specif differences like:

Yes I was in a similar MarkDown place as you a few years ago and that prog made it almost painless.
Glad I could help.
Shame their front page shows nothing useful unless you happen to scroll down! I'd call that a classic blunder of style over content, literally...
Shame their front page shows nothing useful unless you happen to scroll down! I'd call that a classic blunder of style over content, literally...
Agreed, it caught me out for a while.
It never used to be like that. I guess the developers haven't got much to do now...and playing with website.
Right now I am experimenting with doing some editing of my NT35510 readme.md file using sublime text 3...
I just installed the live preview plug in, which so far is not too bad. It may not have command pallets and the like but at least
I can see what it will look like: