Senior Member+
BUT - Yep you did
Fixed in demo: byte order wrong:
The Transfer16 wrote MSB, LSB and it wants LSB, MSB...
Now if I were to do this right, would probably do a 3 element array and put the three bytes and do one transfer of 3 bytes...
Will be interesting with your experiment... But I am not sure it does any of the miring and rotating of the coordinates passed in to graphic functions. Only how those are used within the
graphic ... Could be wrong.
But again notice their clear screen still showed
And their graphics are squares not arbitrary rectangle. So would be interesting to see how that impacts...
Fixed in demo: byte order wrong:
void Ra8876_Lite::lcdDataWrite16bbp(ru16 data)
RA8876_BUSY = true;
RA8876_BUSY = false;
The Transfer16 wrote MSB, LSB and it wants LSB, MSB...
Now if I were to do this right, would probably do a 3 element array and put the three bytes and do one transfer of 3 bytes...
Will be interesting with your experiment... But I am not sure it does any of the miring and rotating of the coordinates passed in to graphic functions. Only how those are used within the
graphic ... Could be wrong.
But again notice their clear screen still showed
//clear page1
ra8876lite.drawSquareFill(0, 0, 1023, 599, COLOR65K_BLUE);
And their graphics are squares not arbitrary rectangle. So would be interesting to see how that impacts...