In my classroom I'm thinking about switching from a 5V system (Teensy2 and Arduino Uno) to the Teensy3's 3.3V system. Most components migrate over fairly well, but the Sharp IR range finders (GP2D12, 2YOA21, and 2YOA02) have a greatly reduced range and a loss of precision. Is there any way to make these sensors work at 3.3V? (I have amassed a drawer full of them over the years.)
I know sonar modules work on 3.3V (at least my Maxbotix EZ1 does) but they are expensive and I don't have drawers full of them. Are there other options? Is there a move to make 3.3V IR rangers?
Thanks for the help.
I know sonar modules work on 3.3V (at least my Maxbotix EZ1 does) but they are expensive and I don't have drawers full of them. Are there other options? Is there a move to make 3.3V IR rangers?
Thanks for the help.