In a project for a granite cutting machine , I need to measure the position of the cutting head using a 5K multiturn pot.
I chose the Teensy3.2 because of the 12 Bit analog resolution. The grinding head position has a span of 1500mm and since I have 4096 bits to represent this each bit will represent 1500/4096 = 0.366mm which is also 3000/4096 = 0.732mV. Good enough.
But I am a bit concerned about the distance between the 5K pot and the Teensy3.2 - its about 15m long. I am planning to use a 3 core shielded cable ( refer attachment ) and ground the shield to the 0V of the power supply.
The environment is not electrically aggressive - meaning there are no VFD or high power electric motors.
So will this arrangement work reliably as planned or I need to take some more precaution against electrical noise ? Why I am so concerned is the cutting head is a heavy mass of around 1200 kgs and any unwanted jitter in measurement would shake up things badly.
Any better ideas ??

I chose the Teensy3.2 because of the 12 Bit analog resolution. The grinding head position has a span of 1500mm and since I have 4096 bits to represent this each bit will represent 1500/4096 = 0.366mm which is also 3000/4096 = 0.732mV. Good enough.
But I am a bit concerned about the distance between the 5K pot and the Teensy3.2 - its about 15m long. I am planning to use a 3 core shielded cable ( refer attachment ) and ground the shield to the 0V of the power supply.
The environment is not electrically aggressive - meaning there are no VFD or high power electric motors.
So will this arrangement work reliably as planned or I need to take some more precaution against electrical noise ? Why I am so concerned is the cutting head is a heavy mass of around 1200 kgs and any unwanted jitter in measurement would shake up things badly.
Any better ideas ??