I'm trying to develop a retroactive midi looper on the teensy 4.1 that basically listens for a clock signal and then starts recording all notes (played via an array of velocity sensitive hall-effect sensor key switches) into a circular buffer of 32 bars. When the user plays something they like, they can trigger a loop length (1 bar, 2 bars, 4 bars, 8 bars) to start retroactively looping the last x bars of material they just played. I have the functionality working generally speaking, the loops are being recorded and are able to be played back with mostly correct timing, but I am regularly experiencing system failures/crashing during loop playback. The loop will be playing back fine and then it will just stop, after a couple of failures/crashes, the teensy will become unresponsive and need to be power cycled to resume functionality. Is there anyone who is willing to help me diagnose/fix these crashes? Disclaimer: I am very new to C++ and programming in general and I am heavily utilizing AI tools to help code this project, which I understand is pretty much guaranteed to generate somewhat buggy code at this point. I just don't have the skills yet to have implemented this on my own. According to Claude, these are the most likely causes of the crashing:
- Race Conditions in Event Processing
- MIDI clock interrupts might be colliding with event processing
- Events could be getting processed multiple times or skipped entirely
- State variables (like positions and counters) might be changing mid-processing
- Memory/Buffer Issues
- The circular buffer implementation might have edge cases where it overflows
- Event timestamps might be wrapping around in unexpected ways
- Buffer state (writePos, count) might become inconsistent
- Timing Drift
- Accumulated timing errors between MIDI clock and event timestamps
- Position calculations might be drifting over time
- Loop length and position calculations might have precision issues
- State Management
- Note states might become desynchronized from the actual MIDI output
- Loop state transitions (start/stop/reset) might leave the system in an inconsistent state
- Multiple state variables that should be atomic might be getting out of sync
- Hitting hardware watchdog resets
#include <MIDIUSB.h>
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
// Pin definitions
int keyPins[] = {A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11};
const int numKeys = sizeof(keyPins) / sizeof(keyPins[0]);
int joystickXPin = A12;
int joystickYPin = A13;
int joystickSwitchPin = A14;
// Key calibration thresholds
const int keyThresholds[12][3] = {
{800, 825, 950}, // Key 1
{786, 820, 926}, // Key 2
{792, 811, 907}, // Key 3
{810, 835, 965}, // Key 4
{748, 760, 928}, // Key 5
{777, 801, 950}, // Key 6
{798, 823, 950}, // Key 7
{805, 830, 960}, // Key 8
{807, 832, 946}, // Key 9
{765, 790, 945}, // Key 10
{808, 832, 947}, // Key 11
{807, 827, 937} // Key 12
// MIDI settings
const int midiNotes[12] = {60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71};
const int midiChannel = 0;
// System definitions
const int MAX_EVENTS = 1024;
const int BARS_IN_BUFFER = 32;
const int PULSES_PER_BAR = 24 * 4;
// MIDI event structure
struct MidiEvent {
unsigned long timestamp;
byte type;
byte note;
byte velocity;
bool active;
// NeoPixel and switch definitions
#define NEOPIXEL_PIN 4
#define NUM_PIXELS 4
#define SWITCHA_PIN 0
#define SWITCHB_PIN 1
#define SWITCHC_PIN 2
#define SWITCHD_PIN 3
// Core timing and state
volatile bool loopStateChanged = false;
volatile unsigned long switchDebounceTimer = 0;
const unsigned long DEBOUNCE_DELAY = 50;
// Essential state tracking
volatile bool clockReceived = false;
const unsigned long CLOCK_TIMEOUT = 1000;
unsigned long lastClockTime = 0;
unsigned long totalClocks = 0;
bool isPlaying = false;
bool isLooping = false;
int currentLoopBars = 0;
bool noteStates[128] = {false};
bool keyStates[12] = {false}; // Track states for the 12 keys
// Event buffer
struct CircularBuffer {
MidiEvent events[MAX_EVENTS];
int writePos;
int count;
} eventBuffer;
// Essential loop control
int currentEvent = 0;
unsigned long loopStartTime = 0;
unsigned long loopLength = 0;
// Display and UI state
Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUM_PIXELS, NEOPIXEL_PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);
bool switchStates[4] = {false};
bool loopActive[4] = {false};
int currentBeat = 0;
void setup() {
// Pin setup
for (int i = 0; i < numKeys; i++) {
pinMode(keyPins[i], INPUT);
pinMode(joystickXPin, INPUT);
pinMode(joystickYPin, INPUT);
pinMode(joystickSwitchPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
// Initialize event buffer
eventBuffer.writePos = 0;
eventBuffer.count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_EVENTS; i++) {
eventBuffer.events[i].active = false;
// Initialize note states
memset(noteStates, 0, sizeof(noteStates));
// NeoPixel setup
// Switch setup
void loop() {
// Handle MIDI messages
midiEventPacket_t rx;
do {
rx = MidiUSB.read();
if (rx.header != 0) {
switch (rx.byte1) {
case 0xF8: // MIDI Clock
if (isPlaying) handleClock();
case 0xFA: // MIDI Start
// Reset all state first
isPlaying = true;
clockReceived = true;
lastClockTime = millis();
currentBeat = 0;
totalClocks = 0;
// Clear all note states and send note-offs
for (byte note = 0; note < 128; note++) {
if (noteStates[note]) {
noteOff(midiChannel, note, 0);
noteStates[note] = false;
// Only handle loop if we actually have one
if (isLooping && currentEvent > 0) {
loopStartTime = 0;
} else {
// Make sure loop state is clean if we don't have a loop
isLooping = false;
currentEvent = 0;
eventBuffer.count = 0;
eventBuffer.writePos = 0;
case 0xFC: // MIDI Stop
} while (rx.header != 0);
// Check for clock timeout
if (isPlaying && (millis() - lastClockTime > CLOCK_TIMEOUT)) {
// Main processing
if (isPlaying) {
if (loopStateChanged) {
loopStateChanged = false;
// MIDI note handling
void noteOn(byte channel, byte note, byte velocity) {
if (!MidiUSB.available()) {
midiEventPacket_t noteOn = {0x09, uint8_t(0x90 | (channel & 0x0F)), note, velocity};
noteStates[note] = true;
void noteOff(byte channel, byte note, byte velocity) {
if (!MidiUSB.available()) {
midiEventPacket_t noteOff = {0x08, uint8_t(0x80 | (channel & 0x0F)), note, velocity};
noteStates[note] = false;
void resetAllNotes() {
for (byte note = 0; note < 128; note++) {
if (noteStates[note]) {
noteOff(midiChannel, note, 0);
void recordEvent(bool isNoteOn, byte note, byte velocity) {
if (!isPlaying || eventBuffer.count >= MAX_EVENTS) return;
int nextPos = (eventBuffer.writePos + 1) % MAX_EVENTS;
MidiEvent& evt = eventBuffer.events[eventBuffer.writePos];
evt.timestamp = totalClocks;
evt.type = isNoteOn ? 0x90 : 0x80;
evt.note = note;
evt.velocity = velocity;
evt.active = true;
eventBuffer.writePos = nextPos;
void readKeysAndRecord() {
static unsigned long lastReadTime = 0;
unsigned long currentTime = millis();
// Rate limiting to 200Hz
if (currentTime - lastReadTime < 5) return;
lastReadTime = currentTime;
for (int i = 0; i < numKeys; i++) {
int sensorValue = analogRead(keyPins[i]);
// Key pressed
if (sensorValue > keyThresholds[i][1]) { // Above minimum threshold
if (keyStates[i] == 0) { // Was released
byte velocity = calculateVelocity(
keyThresholds[i][1], // Minimum threshold
keyThresholds[i][2] // Maximum threshold
noteOn(midiChannel, midiNotes[i], velocity);
if (isPlaying) {
recordEvent(true, midiNotes[i], velocity);
keyStates[i] = 1;
// Key released
else if (keyStates[i] == 1) {
noteOff(midiChannel, midiNotes[i], 0);
if (isPlaying) {
recordEvent(false, midiNotes[i], 0);
keyStates[i] = 0;
byte calculateVelocity(int sensorValue, int minThreshold, int maxThreshold) {
// Constrain the sensor value to our valid range
sensorValue = constrain(sensorValue, minThreshold, maxThreshold);
// Calculate velocity on a curve for more natural response
// Subtract minimum to start from 0
float normalized = (float)(sensorValue - minThreshold) / (maxThreshold - minThreshold);
// Apply a curve for more musical response (squared curve)
// This makes soft presses easier and maintains dynamic range for harder presses
normalized = normalized * normalized;
// Scale to MIDI velocity range (1-127, leaving 0 for note off)
return 1 + (byte)(normalized * 126.0);
// MODIFIED: Switch handling with proper loop timing
void checkSwitches() {
unsigned long now = millis();
if (now - switchDebounceTimer < DEBOUNCE_DELAY) return;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
bool currentState = !digitalRead(SWITCHA_PIN + i);
if (currentState != switchStates[i]) {
switchDebounceTimer = now;
if (currentState) { // Switch pressed
int bars = 1 << i; // 1, 2, 4, or 8 bars
if (loopActive[i]) {
// Clear this loop
strip.setPixelColor(i, strip.Color(255, 0, 0));
stopLoop(); // Use stopLoop instead of direct state changes
loopActive[i] = false;
} else {
// Clear any other active loops
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
if (loopActive[j]) {
loopActive[j] = false;
stopLoop(); // Properly stop any active loops
// Calculate loop timing
unsigned long currentPosition = totalClocks;
unsigned long positionInBar = currentPosition % PULSES_PER_BAR;
// Always align to current bar start
loopStartTime = currentPosition - positionInBar;
currentLoopBars = bars;
loopActive[i] = true;
isLooping = true;
loopStateChanged = true;
switchStates[i] = currentState;
// MODIFIED: Handle MIDI Stop with complete buffer clear
void handleStop() {
isPlaying = false;
isLooping = false;
currentBeat = 0;
// Reset all loop states
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
loopActive[i] = false;
loopLength = 0;
eventBuffer.writePos = 0;
eventBuffer.count = 0;
currentEvent = 0;
void playLoopEvents() {
static unsigned long lastProcessedClock = 0;
static unsigned long lastRelativePosition = 0;
static bool isProcessing = false;
// Prevent re-entry and duplicate processing
if (isProcessing || totalClocks == lastProcessedClock) return;
isProcessing = true;
lastProcessedClock = totalClocks;
// Basic state checks
if (!isLooping || !isPlaying || loopLength == 0) {
isProcessing = false;
// Calculate loop position
unsigned long clocksSinceStart = totalClocks - loopStartTime;
unsigned long relativePosition = clocksSinceStart % loopLength;
// Process events
for (int i = 0; i < currentEvent; i++) {
if (!eventBuffer.events[i].active) continue;
unsigned long eventTime = eventBuffer.events[i].timestamp % loopLength;
bool shouldPlay = false;
// Handle loop wraparound
if (relativePosition < lastRelativePosition) {
shouldPlay = (eventTime > lastRelativePosition) || (eventTime <= relativePosition);
} else {
shouldPlay = (eventTime > lastRelativePosition && eventTime <= relativePosition);
if (shouldPlay) {
MidiEvent* evt = &eventBuffer.events[i];
if (evt->type == 0x90) {
noteOn(midiChannel, evt->note, evt->velocity);
} else {
noteOff(midiChannel, evt->note, 0);
// Combined loop boundary and stuck note handling
if (relativePosition < lastRelativePosition || relativePosition < 24) { // At loop boundary or first beat
for (byte note = 0; note < 128; note++) {
if (noteStates[note]) {
bool hasActiveNoteOn = false;
for (int i = 0; i < currentEvent; i++) {
if (eventBuffer.events[i].active &&
eventBuffer.events[i].note == note &&
eventBuffer.events[i].type == 0x90 &&
((eventBuffer.events[i].timestamp % loopLength) <= relativePosition ||
relativePosition < lastRelativePosition)) { // Account for wraparound
hasActiveNoteOn = true;
if (!hasActiveNoteOn) {
noteOff(midiChannel, note, 0);
noteStates[note] = false;
lastRelativePosition = relativePosition;
isProcessing = false;
void updatePixels() {
static unsigned long lastPixelUpdate = 0;
unsigned long now = millis();
// Limit update rate to 50Hz
if (now - lastPixelUpdate < 20) return;
lastPixelUpdate = now;
if (isPlaying) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (i == currentBeat) {
strip.setPixelColor(i, strip.Color(64, 64, 64)); // Beat indicator
} else if (loopActive[i]) {
strip.setPixelColor(i, strip.Color(0, 32, 0)); // Active loop
void initializeLoop(int bars) {
if (!isPlaying || bars <= 0) return;
loopLength = PULSES_PER_BAR * bars;
unsigned long currentPosition = totalClocks;
// Align to bar boundary
unsigned long positionInBar = currentPosition % PULSES_PER_BAR;
loopStartTime = currentPosition - positionInBar;
// Calculate event window
unsigned long windowStart = (loopStartTime >= loopLength) ?
loopStartTime - loopLength : 0;
unsigned long windowEnd = loopStartTime + PULSES_PER_BAR;
// Create temporary buffer for valid events
MidiEvent tempBuffer[MAX_EVENTS];
int validEvents = 0;
// Copy valid events with corrected timestamps
for (int i = 0; i < eventBuffer.count && validEvents < MAX_EVENTS; i++) {
int pos = (eventBuffer.writePos - eventBuffer.count + i + MAX_EVENTS) % MAX_EVENTS;
MidiEvent* evt = &eventBuffer.events[pos];
if (evt->timestamp >= windowStart && evt->timestamp < windowEnd) {
tempBuffer[validEvents] = *evt;
// Correct timestamp for loop position
tempBuffer[validEvents].timestamp = (evt->timestamp >= loopStartTime) ?
evt->timestamp - loopStartTime :
(evt->timestamp - windowStart) % loopLength;
tempBuffer[validEvents].active = true;
// Copy valid events back to main buffer
currentEvent = validEvents;
for (int i = 0; i < validEvents; i++) {
eventBuffer.events[i] = tempBuffer[i];
void handleClock() {
static unsigned long lastHandledClock = 0;
unsigned long now = millis();
// Prevent multiple processing in same millisecond
if (now == lastHandledClock) return;
lastHandledClock = now;
clockReceived = true;
lastClockTime = now;
// Update beat counter every quarter note (24 MIDI clocks)
if (totalClocks % 24 == 0) {
currentBeat = (currentBeat + 1) % 4;
if (isLooping) {
void recoverFromError() {
static unsigned long lastRecoveryTime = 0;
unsigned long now = millis();
// Prevent multiple recoveries in quick succession
if (now - lastRecoveryTime < 100) return;
lastRecoveryTime = now;
// Find current musical position
unsigned long clocksInBar = totalClocks % PULSES_PER_BAR;
// Check for stuck notes without stopping them
for (byte note = 0; note < 128; note++) {
if (noteStates[note]) {
bool foundInLoop = false;
for (int i = 0; i < currentEvent; i++) {
if (eventBuffer.events[i].active &&
eventBuffer.events[i].note == note &&
eventBuffer.events[i].type == 0x90) {
foundInLoop = true;
// Only stop notes that aren't part of the current loop
if (!foundInLoop) {
noteOff(midiChannel, note, 0);
noteStates[note] = false;
// Realign loop if timing is off
if (isLooping) {
unsigned long expectedPosition = (totalClocks - loopStartTime) % loopLength;
if (abs((long)(expectedPosition - clocksInBar)) > 24) { // More than 1 beat off
// Realign to next bar
loopStartTime = totalClocks + (PULSES_PER_BAR - clocksInBar);
// Clean up event buffer without clearing it
if (eventBuffer.count > MAX_EVENTS || eventBuffer.writePos >= MAX_EVENTS) {
// Keep the most recent valid events
int validEvents = min(MAX_EVENTS, eventBuffer.count);
for (int i = 0; i < validEvents; i++) {
eventBuffer.events[i] = eventBuffer.events[eventBuffer.writePos - validEvents + i];
eventBuffer.count = validEvents;
eventBuffer.writePos = validEvents;
void stopLoop() {
isLooping = false;
// Clear any active notes from the loop
for (int i = 0; i < currentEvent; i++) {
if (eventBuffer.events[i].active && eventBuffer.events[i].type == 0x90) {
byte note = eventBuffer.events[i].note;
if (noteStates[note]) {
noteOff(midiChannel, note, 0);
noteStates[note] = false;
// Reset buffer
currentEvent = 0;
eventBuffer.count = 0;
eventBuffer.writePos = 0;