SD card doesn't initialize on Teensy3.6


New member
I have run the 'CardInfo' example on my Teensy3.6 and get the message "initialization failed".
I have changed line 40 to read: const int chipSelect = BUILTIN_SDCARD;
I have nothing connected to the Teensy (except the USB cord.) The SD card is formatted and contains one empty text file.
I have run the 'Blink' sketch and that works fine.
Trouble-shooting suggestions please.
That should work if the TeensyDuino is current and the card has a recognized Formatting.

From the Verbose Console Build Output - what PATHS are shown for the Libraries in Use?

The SDFat has to come from the Teensy install and not a local copy in the Sketchbook folder.
Thanks for your prompt reply.
After checking the format of the SD card I reinserted the card into the Teensy and retried the Cardinfo example to get the verbose output..
It's embarassing to admit that probably the SD card had not been inserted fully the first time because it works fine now.