I am having a problem getting Teensy3.0 to work with the Arduino SD Card Library. Specifically, I am trying to run Examples -> SD -> Cardinfo. I looked at earlier postings on the SD card usage on Teensy3.0. but they don't discuss the pinout in use.
I am running the Cardinfo example without modification. Looking at the Teensy3.0 pinout card, it seems like I would use Pin10 as CS, Pin11 as MOSI, Pin12 as MOSI, and Pin13 as SCK. These go to my SD card on pins 1, 2, 7, and 5 respectively. 3.3V goes to SD card pin 4, with ground on pins 3 and 6.
This seemed like the simplest thing I could try with my SD card. Where am I going astray?
I am running the Cardinfo example without modification. Looking at the Teensy3.0 pinout card, it seems like I would use Pin10 as CS, Pin11 as MOSI, Pin12 as MOSI, and Pin13 as SCK. These go to my SD card on pins 1, 2, 7, and 5 respectively. 3.3V goes to SD card pin 4, with ground on pins 3 and 6.
This seemed like the simplest thing I could try with my SD card. Where am I going astray?