Stupid question I know, but here goes:
Using a TEENSY 3.2 serial out (TX) to command another controller to play a track. Their documentation is minimal, so this should be easy, right??
From the other controller's manual:
The serial port operates at 19.2kbps, 8 data bits, one stop bit, and no parity.
The port provides a console-like interface that is designed for human or automated operation.
A typical terminal interaction might resemble the following:
000: my_routine1
001: my_routine2
002: my_routine3
>play 0
p 0 239
The console is prepared to receive input when the “>” prompt is displayed.
play <track number>
This commands starts playback and requires an
argument that indicates the number of the
track to play (e.g., the first track is track zero).
SO: how do I implement a "console" command into a sketch correctly?
Using a TEENSY 3.2 serial out (TX) to command another controller to play a track. Their documentation is minimal, so this should be easy, right??
From the other controller's manual:
The serial port operates at 19.2kbps, 8 data bits, one stop bit, and no parity.
The port provides a console-like interface that is designed for human or automated operation.
A typical terminal interaction might resemble the following:
000: my_routine1
001: my_routine2
002: my_routine3
>play 0
p 0 239
The console is prepared to receive input when the “>” prompt is displayed.
play <track number>
This commands starts playback and requires an
argument that indicates the number of the
track to play (e.g., the first track is track zero).
SO: how do I implement a "console" command into a sketch correctly?