SidMaster 2k, updated


Well-known member
Time to satisfy your retro cravings! I revisited this old project recently and did some well needed updates. It is a polysynth based on (real) commodore SID's. It accepts up to four of them and supports both 8580 and 6581 variants. Control is done over a shared 1MHz parallel bus from the Teensy 4.1 (this was challenging mainly due to my inexperience). The audio from each SID is routed through a dual WM8731 codec and there are a added effects from the audio library (to be expanded further).

This project would not have been possible without the Teensy and the audio library. Also I can not stress enough how much I have learned on this journey which all started by discovering that there are alternatives to those drab Arduino Uno's.

Here are a few examples, basically its just me having fun with my creation which is always satisfying. Hoping to do a technical/build video later. Cheers!

As this part of the forum isn't that busy, I'll post an update. Inspired by PositionHigh and other legends I made a remote UI application using webSerial. This was actually very easy since I already have a "display module" that communicates with the "mainboard" over usb serial. Commands are sent as json strings which is of course super inefficient but also great for development/debugging.

The application also serves as a patch manager for export and upload. I also want to include streaming of "sid files" but this still requires a separate application while I read up on socket communication in javascript.

Here is some limited use of said UI application. Cheers!
